[Python-Dev] PEP 457: Syntax For Positional-Only Parameters

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Wed Oct 9 14:38:46 CEST 2013

2013/10/9 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>:
> The PEP needs to state more clearly up front (preferably in the title) that
> it's about *reserving* a Python level syntax that matches the syntax we
> worked out for Argument Clinic at PyCon US. Explicitly stating that the
> requirements that drive the Argument Clinic design are to support the
> signature of all current CPython builtins and extension modules would also
> be helpful.
> Generally, it needs to be a bit clearer that the intent of the PEP isn't to
> say "let's do this", it's to be explicit that acceptance of the Argument
> Clinic PEP severely constrains the design space for possible solutions if we
> ever *did* implement Python level support for positional only arguments.

Why does a syntax need to be reserved? Documentation conventions and
the syntax of internal tools like argument clinic may be changed any
time we like.


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