[Python-Dev] Support keyword in PEP URL?

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 12 01:30:48 CEST 2013

On 12/10/2013 00:13, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> What do you think of adding an optional identifier to a PEP to get a
> readable URL?
> Example:
>     http://www.python.org/dev/peps/qualname/
> instead of
>     http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0395/
> Other examples:
> 305: csv
> 450: statistics
> 3156: asyncio
> An identifier must only contain lower case letters (a-z), digits
> (0-9), dot (.) and underscore (_). It should be short (max. 20
> characters)... and unique. Regex: ^[a-z0-9._]{1,20}$.
> For draft PEP, the identifier may change. If it's an issue (dead URL),
> we may allow multiple identifiers (ex: add also "tulip" for 3156), or
> only add an identifier to accepted PEPs.
> I don't know yet how it can be implemented at server side.
> Victor

If it's easy to do why not?  If it's difficult why bother, I find it 
easy enough to find stuff by searching directly on the PEP index?

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Most poems rhyme,
But this one doesn't.

Mark Lawrence

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