[Python-Dev] Coding practice for context managers

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Oct 21 14:08:39 CEST 2013

Le Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:46:39 +1000,
Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> a écrit :
> On 21 Oct 2013 12:44, "Raymond Hettinger"
> <raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Two of the new context managers in contextlib are now wrapped in
> pass-through factory functions.  The intent is to make the help() look
> cleaner.  This practice does have downsides however.
> >
> > The usual way to detect whether something is usable with a
> > with-statement
> is to check the presence of the __enter__ and __exit__ methods.
> Wrapping the CM in a pass-through function defeats this and other
> forms of introspection.
> >
> > Also, the help() output itself is worse-off.  When you run help on a
> CM(), you're trying to find-out what happens on entry and what
> happens on exit.  If those methods had docstrings, the question would
> be answered directly.   The wrapper (intentionally) hides how it
> works.
> >
> > Since I teach intermediate and advanced python classes to
> > experienced
> Python users, I've become more sensitive to problems this practice
> will create.  Defeating introspection can make the help look nicer,
> but it isn't a clean coding practice and is something I hope doesn't
> catch on.
> >
> > To the extent there is a problem with the output of help(), I think
> efforts should be directed at making help() better.   A lot of work
> needs to be done on that end -- for example abstract base classes
> also don't look great in help().
> >
> > There are a couple of other minor issues as well.  One is that the
> wrapper function hides the class, making it harder to do type checks
> such as "isinstance(x, suppress)".  The other issue is that wrappers
> cause extra jumping around for people who are tracing code through a
> debugger or using a visualization tool such as pythontutor.   These
> aren't terribly important issues, but it does support the notion that
> usually the cleanest code is the best code.
> >
> > In short, I recommend that efforts be directed at improving help()
> > rather
> than limiting introspection by way of less clean coding practices.
> That's a fair point, but I *really* dislike exposing implementations
> that don't match their documentation, and both of these are currently
> documented as factory functions.

Let's call them callables instead?

> Exposing the full object oriented API is certainly a  reasonable
> option, but the docs should be updated accordingly, with suitable
> public attributes being defined (providing access to the exception
> tuple for suppress and the target stream for redirect_stdio).

I don't get why adding public attributes should be related to the
proposed change.



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