[Python-Dev] OS X 10.9 Mavericks -> 2.7.6/3.3.3 updates needed

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Thu Oct 24 11:26:59 CEST 2013

Am 24.10.2013 11:11, schrieb Ned Deily:

> I don't know where any other potential 2.7.6 or 3.3.3 issues stand at this 
> point.  But I'd like Benjamin and Georg to propose an aggressive schedule so 
> we can get these fixes out there.

We've basically agreed to do rc releases this weekend.  I don't have time the
weekend of Nov 2, so 3.3.3 final would be scheduled for Nov 9.  There are a
few "unlimited read" issues still open; I will have a look at porting their
patches tomorrow.


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