[Python-Dev] PEP 451 update

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Oct 25 19:15:03 CEST 2013

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:24 PM, PJ Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:

> I've not really had time to review this PEP yet, but from skimming
> discussion to date, the only thing I'm still worried about is whether
> this will break lazy import schemes that use a module subclass that
> hooks __getattribute__ and calls reload() in order to perform what's
> actually an *initial* load.

Depends on how you implement it probably. I have a scheme in my head using
__getattribute__ and loaders which will work with this PEP if __package__
and __loader__ are not explicitly checked after execute_module() is called,
so lazy imports are not going to be fundamentally broken. Since Python 3.3
lazy loaders relying on __getattribute__ have been broken due to those
__package__/__loader__ checks so this is actually going to be an

> IOW, does anything in this proposal rely on a module object having
> *any* attributes besides __name__ set at reload() time?

As it stands in Python 3.3 it requires __name__ and __loader__ be defined:

>  That is, is
> there an assumption that a module being reloaded has
> 1. Been loaded, and
> 2. Is being reloaded via the same location, __loader__, etc. as before?

Just 2 in terms of __loader__ since loaders have to work with or without
the module already existing.

> At least through all 2.x, reload() just uses module.__name__ to
> restart the module find-and-load process, and does not assume that
> __loader__ is valid in advance.

That doesn't make much sense in a post-importlib world where import makes
sure that __loader__ is set (which it has since Python 3.3). Otherwise you
are asking for not just a reload but a re-find as well.

As for the PEP, it will probably keep the name/loader requirement but shift
it to having to be set on the spec object at __spec__. I guess you could
make the argument a reload should include re-running the finder step as
well, but I don't think it's worth the code tweaking to make it happen when
the finder/loader steps are divided as they are.

> (Also, if this has changed in recent Python versions independent of
> this PEP, it's a backwards-compatibility break that should be
> documented somewhere.)



> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 2:05 AM, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I've had some offline discussion with Brett and Nick about PEP 451
> > which has led to some meaningful clarifications in the PEP.  In the
> > interest of pulling further discussions back onto this
> > (archived/public) list, here's an update of what we'd discussed and
> > where things are at. :)
> >
> > * path entry finders indicate that they found part of a possible
> > namespace package by returning a spec with no loader set (but with
> > submodule_search_locations set).  Brett wanted some clarification on
> > this.
> > * The name/path signature and attributes of file-based finders in
> > importlib will no longer be changing.  Brett had some suggestions on
> > the proposed change and it became clear that the the change was
> > actually pointless.
> > * I've asserted that there shouldn't be much difficulty in adjusting
> > pkgutil and other modules to work with ModuleSpec.
> > * Brett asked for clarification on whether the "load()" example from
> > the PEP would be realized implicitly by the import machinery or
> > explicitly as a method on ModuleSpec.  This has bearing on the ability
> > of finders to return instances of ModuleSpec subclasses or even
> > ModuleSpec-like objects (a la duck typing).  The answer is the it will
> > not be a method on ModuleSpec, so it is effectively just part of the
> > general import system implementation.  Finders may return any object
> > that provides the attributes of ModuleSpec.  I will be updating the
> > PEP to make these points clear.
> >
> > * Nick suggested writing a draft patch for the language reference
> > changes (the import page).  Such a patch will be a pretty good
> > indicator of the impact of PEP 451 on the import system and should
> > highlight any design flaws in the API.  This is on my to-do list
> > (hopefully by tomorrow).
> > * Nick also suggested moving all ModuleSpec methods to a separate
> > class that will simply make use of a separate, existing ModuleSpec
> > instance.  This will help address several issues, particularly by
> > relaxing the constraints on what finders can return, but also by
> > avoiding the unnecessary exposure of the methods via every
> > module.__spec__.  I plan on going with this, but currently am trying
> > out the change to see if there are any problems I've missed.  Once I
> > feel good about it I'll update the PEP.
> >
> > That about sums up our discussions.  I have a couple of outstanding
> > updates to the PEP to make when I get a chance, as well as putting up
> > a language reference patch for review.
> >
> > -eric
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