[Python-Dev] unicodedata module is out of date

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Fri Sep 6 17:45:14 CEST 2013

2013/9/6 Andrew Miller <A.J.Miller at bcs.org.uk>:
> The unicodedata module only contains data up to Unicode 5.2 (October 2009),
> so attempting to reference any character from a later version e.g:
> unicodedata.lookup("TURKISH LIRA SIGN")
> results in a KeyError.
> Also, it seems to be limited to properties in the UnicodeData.txt file and
> does not contain any data from the other files from the Unicode Character
> Database (the perl library Unicode::UCD is far more complete).
> Are there any plans to update this module to the latest Unicode version
> (6.2, with 6.3 being released shortly), or is there another module that
> provides more up to date information?

I usually keep the latest Python version up to date with the latest
Unicode version, so 3.4 will have Unicode 6.2.


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