[Python-Dev] Official github mirror for CPython?

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 23:41:30 CEST 2013

Email me the name of the repo you want, and your github username
(preferably off list so I don't miss it!) and I will set you up Eli

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:48 AM, Brian Curtin <brian at python.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Christian Heimes <christian at python.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Am 25.07.2013 16:29, schrieb Eli Bendersky:
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> I've been looking for a Github mirror for Python, and found two:
>> >>
>> >> * https://github.com/python-git/python has a lot of
>> >> forks/watches/starts
>> >> but seems to be very out of date (last updated 4 years ago)
>> >> * https://github.com/python-mirror/python doesn't appear to be very
>> >> popular but is updated daily
>> >>
>> >> Are some of you the owners of these repositories? Should we consolidate
>> >> to a single "semi-official" mirror?
>> >
>> > +1
>> >
>> > Does the PSF have an official account on github? We have one on
>> > bitbucket...
>> I don't remember who runs this, and I thought I was in it (maybe just
>> on BB), but: https://github.com/python
> The list of members for https://github.com/python is
> https://github.com/python?tab=members
> How can I get added to that list? When that happens, I can try to set-up a
> regularly updated CPython mirror.
> Eli

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