[Python-Dev] Python 4?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu Apr 3 15:59:55 CEST 2014

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> wrote:

> I saw mention recently of Python 4 and assumed all such references
> were either April Fool's jokes or pie-in-the-sky dreams for a new
> version of Python which may never arrive.

It's the latter. Some of us have been tossing around "Python 4" like we did
"Py3k" before we starting Python 3 in earnest; maybe we should make sure to
say Py4k to be perfectly clear there are no Python 4 plans ATM.

> Then I saw this message to webmaster. I would have guessed he meant
> 3.4 except he mentions having a Python3 (well, actually, a Phython3)
> directory.
> WTH is Python 4?

Who the heck knows what the person specifically means, although it sounds
like he did mean Python 3.4 which would explain why he know has a Python3


> Skip
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: C. Reese <careese at vcu.org>
> Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:03 AM
> Subject: Updated phython
> To: webmaster at python.org
> just updated to Python 4.  (installed to C: drive) ... now i notice
> there are separate Python2 & Python3 directories as well.  i am not a
> programmer in any sense (just a basic computer user).
> 1. do i need to have python on my computer at all for basic use?
> (word, excel, power point, etc.)'
> 2. can i safely remove the Python 2 & Phython3 directories? (to save
> hard disk space)
> thanks
> CR
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