[Python-Dev] A Friendly IDLE

adnanumer95 at gmail.com adnanumer95 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 06:25:50 CEST 2014

Greeting Everyone. First of all I want to introduce my self Adnan Umer as a student of bachelors in Information Technology.

I’ve few suggestions on improving IDLE. Here are few:

On windows we can open any python file from context menu because IDLE is not a application. I recommends to create a simple executable that  just calls ‘idle.pyw’ module in lib\idlelib.

On executing python script with IDLE we can’t determine which file is executed. I recommends to print file name before executing. I made a little try to do that and I succeed.

In Python Shell Save & Save As menus are enable and using them we can save shell text as python script (.py) that never executes again on IDLE. I recommends to either disable this option or save shell text as plain text. I made a little try to disable this and succeed.

There is almost no difference on displayed result of these two command

>>> print (1)


>>> 1


there must be some difference as this creates a lot of confusion for beginners to understand purpose of print statement.

Adnan Umer
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