[Python-Dev] python-3.4.0

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pydev at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 18:06:18 CEST 2014

On April 13, 2014 10:31:24 AM CDT, Greg Mildenstein <greg.mildenstein at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>I'm running windows 8.1 64 bit. I was using 'python-3.3.1.amd64' but
>have uninstalled it and installed the above version. However, when I
>try running 'PyScripter', I get an error stating, 'ERROR - unable to
>open python, it will now exit'. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Hi Greg,

All you've done wrong is use the wrong list for your question ;-).  Python-dev is intended for discussing the development *of* Python, not development *with* Python. Python-list would have been a better choice of venue, or a PyScripter-specific discussion forum.

That said, the problem you're having is because PyScripter has not yet been updated to run with Python 3.4. If you want to stick with PyScripter, you'll have to reinstall Python 3.3 (though I would suggest updating to 3.3.5 instead of 3.3.1). You can install both versions side-by-side without any problems. If you want an IDE that can run Python 3.4, you'll need to use something else until PyScripter updates.

Hope this helps,
Zach (on a phone)

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