[Python-Dev] Timing breakdown of Py_InitializeEx_Private()

Brett Cannon bcannon at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 23:26:42 CEST 2014

To finish my timing work I decided to see where Py_InitializeEx_Private()
spends its time. The following is a breakdown measured in microseconds
running using -E:

setlocale: 11
envvar: 2
random init: 2
interp creation: 15
thread creation: 6
GIL: 10
_Py_ReadyTypes(): 930
more types: 44
builtins: 141
exceptions: 287
sys: 258
_PyImport_Init: 15
import hooks: 4
_PyWarnings_Init(): 15
ENTERING import_init():
  PyImport_ImportFrozenModule(_frozen_importlib): 1186
  interp->importlib: 6
  PyInit_imp(): 15
  _imp: 3
  importlib._install(): 876
  _PyImportZip_Init(): 130
_PyFaulthandler_Init(): 13
time: 3
ENTERING initfsencoding():
  codec lookup: 2179
signals: 120
tracemalloc: 7
__main__: 13
initstdio(): 1568
warnings module: 4
initsite(): 9552
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