[Python-Dev] Timing breakdown of Py_InitializeEx_Private()

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Wed Apr 16 09:39:34 CEST 2014

Not trying to argue about Mercurial, but if a major amount
of startup time is spent in site.py:

I think in cases like hg command line scripts there is no need
to import site just for hg scripts.

Maybe that would improve things if those startup scripts avoid importing
site? Or do they, already?

cheers - chris

On 16.04.14 04:35, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Well, that's the part that does "import site". Anything that speeds up
> the code in Lib/site.py might help. :-)
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu
> <mailto:tjreedy at udel.edu>> wrote:
>     On 4/15/2014 5:26 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
>         To finish my timing work I decided to see
>         where Py_InitializeEx_Private() spends its time. The following
>         is a
>         breakdown measured in microseconds running using -E:
>         INIT:
>         setlocale: 11
>         envvar: 2
>         random init: 2
>         interp creation: 15
>         thread creation: 6
>         GIL: 10
>         _Py_ReadyTypes(): 930
>         more types: 44
>         builtins: 141
>         exceptions: 287
>         sys: 258
>         _PyImport_Init: 15
>         import hooks: 4
>         _PyWarnings_Init(): 15
>         ENTERING import_init():
>            PyImport_ImportFrozenModule(_frozen_importlib): 1186
>            interp->importlib: 6
>            PyInit_imp(): 15
>            _imp: 3
>            importlib._install(): 876
>            _PyImportZip_Init(): 130
>         _PyFaulthandler_Init(): 13
>         time: 3
>         ENTERING initfsencoding():
>            codec lookup: 2179
>         signals: 120
>         tracemalloc: 7
>         __main__: 13
>         initstdio(): 1568
>         warnings module: 4
>         initsite(): 9552
>     It looks like initsite takes half the time. Can it be sped up?
>     -- 
>     Terry Jan Reedy
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