[Python-Dev] PEP 469: Restoring the iterkeys/values/items() methods

Kristján Valur Jónsson kristjan at ccpgames.com
Mon Apr 21 16:04:20 CEST 2014

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-Dev [mailto:python-dev-
> bounces+kristjan=ccpgames.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Armin Rigo
> Sent: 21. apríl 2014 07:42
> To: Nick Coghlan
> Cc: Python-Dev
> Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 469: Restoring the iterkeys/values/items()
> methods
> How about explicitly noting that in Python 2, a large fraction of usages of the
> iterkeys(), itervalues() and iteritems() methods (that's more than 99% in my
> experience, but I might be biased) should just be written as keys(), values()
> and items() in the first place, with no measurable difference of performance
> or memory usage?  I would recommend to anyone with a large Python 2
> code base to simply do a textual search-and-replace and see if any test
> breaks.  If not, problem solved.



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