[Python-Dev] Python 2.7.7. on Windows

Mike Miller python-dev at mgmiller.net
Tue Apr 29 12:27:16 CEST 2014


Stepping back a bit...

I doubt you'd take the idea this far, but that Python should need assembly by 
professionals before use doesn't match its "Batteries Included" spirit, nor the 
PC revolution for that matter.

The reason I brought up the subject at 2.7.7 is because there are greater 
changes than normal in this release, and people are expecting security fixes.
This is realistically the last chance to fix this vulnerability in 2.X.

We should help people do the right thing and be safe, while keeping the 
possibility to customize.

Yes, I can imagine a few people in the world unhappy with any change, but a 
large majority of "millions" will not notice and reap the benefits.  There are 
also quite a few people unhappy the change hasn't been made (see the bug).

However, those that want a less safe setting on brand new installs may still 
change it manually, script it with the command-line parameter, or could stay 
with 2.7.6 until they do.  The porting effort is tiny and would effect few 
compared to those who'd benefit.


p.s. I'm available to help with maintaining the 2.7 installer, unfortunately 
I've only used Inno so not sure how long it would take me to ramp up.

On 04/29/2014 12:04 PM, Steve Dower wrote:

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