[Python-Dev] PEP 481 - Migrate Some Supporting Repositories to Git and Github

Matěj Cepl mcepl at cepl.eu
Mon Dec 1 13:05:01 CET 2014

On 2014-12-01, 07:43 GMT, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> I do not choose tools simply because they are written in
>> Python -- I choose them because, being written in Python, I
>> I can work on them if I need to:  I can enhance them, I can 
>> fix them, I can learn from them.
> Git uses the idea of small individual commands that do small things,
> so you can write your own commands that work on text streams to
> extend git and you can even write those in Python.

I really really dislike this Mercurial propaganda for two 

a) obviously you are right ... git is a complete tool box for 
   building your own tools in the best UNIX™ traditions. Each of 
   has a ton of third-party (or our own) tools using git 
   plumbing. (Is there a Mercurial equivalent of 
   git-filter-branch?  Can 
   http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ConvertExtension do the 
   same as git-filter-branch?)
b) it completely ignores existence of three (3) independent 
   implementations of git format/protocol (also jgit and 
   libgit2). How does VisualStudio/Eclipse/NetBeans/etc. support 
   for hg works? Does it use a library or just runs hg binary in 
   a subprocess (a thing which by the hg authors is Mercurial 
   not designed to do)?



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