[Python-Dev] hg vs Github [was: PEP 481 - Migrate Some Supporting Repositories to Git and Github]

Jim J. Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 18:37:21 CET 2014

M. Cepl asked:

> What I really don't understand is why this discussion is hg v.  
> GitHub, when it should be hg v. git. Particular hosting is 
> a secondary issue

I think even the proponents concede that git isn't better enough
to justify a switch in repositories.

They do claim that GitHub (the whole environment; not just the
hosting) is so much better that a switch to GitHub is justified.

Github + hg offers far fewer benefits than Github + git, so also
switching to git is part of the price.  Whether that is an
intolerable markup or a discount is disputed, as are the value
of several other costs and benefits.



If there are still threading problems with my replies, please
email me with details, so that I can try to resolve them.  -jJ

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