[Python-Dev] PEP 481 - Migrate Some Supporting Repositories to Git and Github

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Dec 2 21:15:49 CET 2014

Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> writes:

> Well, if I'm going to be the Great Decider on this then I can say
> upfront I'm taking a pragmatic view of preferring open but not
> mandating it, preferring hg over git but not ruling out a switch,
> preferring Python-based tools but not viewing it as a negative to not
> use Python, etc.

(and you've later clarified that these will all be factors weighing in
favour of a candidate.)

Thanks for expressing your thoughts. Big thanks for taking on the role
of consulting, evaluating, and deciding on this issue.

 \         “I think Western civilization is more enlightened precisely |
  `\     because we have learned how to ignore our religious leaders.” |
_o__)                                                —Bill Maher, 2003 |
Ben Finney

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