[Python-Dev] My thinking about the development process

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Dec 6 15:11:44 CET 2014

On Fri Dec 05 2014 at 8:31:27 PM R. David Murray <rdmurray at bitdance.com>

> On Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:17:35 -0700, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Brett Cannon <bcannon at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > We don't exactly have a ton of people
> > > constantly going "I'm so bored because everything for Python's
> development
> > > infrastructure gets sorted so quickly!" A perfect example is that R.
> David
> > > Murray came up with a nice update for our workflow after PyCon but
> then ran
> > > out of time after mostly defining it and nothing ever became of it
> (maybe we
> > > can rectify that at PyCon?). Eric Snow has pointed out how he has
> written
> > > similar code for pulling PRs from I think GitHub to another code review
> > > tool, but that doesn't magically make it work in our infrastructure or
> get
> > > someone to write it and help maintain it (no offense, Eric).
> >
> > None taken.  I was thinking the same thing when I wrote that. :)
> >
> > >
> > > IOW our infrastructure can do anything, but it can't run on hopes and
> > > dreams. Commitments from many people to making this happen by a certain
> > > deadline will be needed so as to not allow it to drag on forever.
> People
> > > would also have to commit to continued maintenance to make this viable
> > > long-term.
> The biggest blocker to my actually working the proposal I made was that
> people wanted to see it in action first, which means I needed to spin up
> a test instance of the tracker and do the work there.  That barrier to
> getting started was enough to keep me from getting started...even though
> the barrier isn't *that* high (I've done it before, and it is easier now
> than it was when I first did it), it is still a *lot* higher than
> checking out CPython and working on a patch.
> That's probably the biggest issue with *anyone* contributing to tracker
> maintenance, and if we could solve that, I think we could get more
> people interested in helping maintain it.  We need the equivalent of
> dev-in-a-box for setting up for testing proposed changes to
> bugs.python.org, but including some standard way to get it deployed so
> others can look at a live system running the change in order to review
> the patch.

Maybe it's just me and all the Docker/Rocket hoopla that's occurred over
the past week, but this just screams "container" to me which would make
getting a test instance set up dead simple.

> Maybe our infrastructure folks will have a thought or two about this?
> I'm willing to put some work into this if we can figure out what
> direction to head in.  It could well be tied in to moving
> bugs.python.org in with the rest of our infrastructure, something I know
> Donald has been noodling with off and on; and I'm willing to help with
> that as well.
> It sounds like being able to propose and test changes to our Roundup
> instance (and test other services talking to Roundup, before deploying
> them for real) is going to be critical to improving our workflow no
> matter what other decisions are made, so we need to make it easier to
> do.
> In other words, it seems like the key to improving the productivity of
> our CPython patch workflow is to improve the productivity of the patch
> workflow for our key workflow resource, bugs.python.org.

Quite possible and since no one is suggesting we drop bugs.python.org it's
a worthy goal to have regardless of what PEP gets accepted.
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