[Python-Dev] My thinking about the development process

Jim J. Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 21:27:23 CET 2014

Brett Cannon wrote:
> 4. Contributor creates account on bugs.python.org and signs the
>   [contributor agreement](https://www.python.org/psf/contrib/contrib-form/)

Is there an expiration on such forms?  If there doesn't need to be
(and one form is good for multiple tickets), is there an objection
(besides "not done yet") to making "signed the form" part of the bug
reporter account, and required to submit to the CI process?  (An "I
can't sign yet, bug me later" option would allow the current workflow
without the "this isn't technically a patch" workaround for "small enough"
patches from those with slow-moving employers.)

> There's the simple spelling mistake patches and then there's the
> code change patches.

There are a fair number of one-liner code patches; ideally, they
could also be handled quickly.

> For the code change patches, contributors need an easy way to get a hold of
> the code and get their changes to the core developers.

For a fair number of patches, the same workflow as spelling errors is
appropriate, except that it would be useful to have an automated state
saying "yes, this currently merges fine", so that committers can focus
only on patches that are (still) at least that ready.

> At best core developers tell a contributor "please send your PR
> against 3.4", push-button merge it, update a local clone, merge from
> 3.4 to default, do the usual stuff, commit, and then push;

Is it common for a patch that should apply to multiple branches to fail
on some but not all of them?

In other words, is there any reason beyond "not done yet" that submitting
a patch (or pull request) shouldn't automatically create a patch per
branch, with pushbuttons to test/reject/commit?

> Our code review tool is a fork that probably should be
> replaced as only Martin von Loewis can maintain it.

Only he knows the innards, or only he is authorized, or only he knows
where the code currently is/how to deploy an update?

I know that there were times in the (not-so-recent) past when I had
time and willingness to help with some part of the infrastructure, but
didn't know where the code was, and didn't feel right making a blind



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email me with details, so that I can try to resolve them.  -jJ

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