[Python-Dev] Making it possible to accept contributions without CLA

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Mon Dec 8 23:40:56 CET 2014

On 12/08/2014 02:31 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
> Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com> writes:
>> There's no real way around this, is there? […] the CLA part is pretty
>> unavoidable.
> The PSF presently madates that any contributor to Python sign
> <URL:http://legacy.python.org/psf/contrib/contrib-form/contributor-agreement.pdf>
> the “Contributor Agreement”. This is a unilateral grant from the
> contributor to the PSF, and is unequal because the PSF does not grant
> these same powers to the recipients of Python.
> I raise this, not to start another disagreement about whether this is
> desirable; I understand that many within the PSF regard it as
> an unfortunate barrier to entry, even if it is necessary.
> Rather, I'm asking what, specifically, necessitates this situation.
> What would need to change, for the PSF to accept contributions to the
> Python copyrighted works, without requiring the contributor to do
> anything but license the work under Apache 2.0 license?
> Is it specific code within the Python code base which somehow creates
> this need? How much, and how would the PSF view work to re-implement
> that code for contribution under Apache 2.0 license?
> Is it some other dependency? What, specifically; and what can be done to
> remove that dependency?
> My goal is to see the PSF reach a state where the licensing situation is
> an equal-footing “inbound = outbound” like most free software projects;
> where the PSF can happily receive from a contributor only the exact same
> license the PSF grants to any recipient of Python.
> For that to happen, we need to know the specific barriers to such a
> goal. What are they?

Well, this is the wrong mailing list for those questions.  Maybe one of these would work instead?

About Python-legal-sig 	(https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-legal-sig)
English (USA)

This list is for the discussion of Python Legal/Compliance issues. Its focus should be on questions regarding
compliance, copyrights on core python, etc.

Actual Legal decisions, or legal counsel questions, alterations to the Contributor License Agreement for Python the
language should be sent to psf at python.org

Python/PSF trademark questions should be sent to psf-trademarks at python.org.

Please Note: Legal decisions affecting the IP, Python license stack, etc *must* be approved by Python Software
Foundation legal counsel and the board of directors: psf at python.org

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Python-legal-sig Archives.

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