[Python-Dev] PEP 463: Exception-catching expressions

Eli Bendersky eliben at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 15:44:45 CET 2014

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 6:39 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> PEP: 463
>>> Title: Exception-catching expressions
>>> Version: $Revision$
>>> Last-Modified: $Date$
>>> Author: Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com>
>>> Status: Draft
>>> Type: Standards Track
>>> Content-Type: text/x-rst
>>> Created: 15-Feb-2014
>>> Python-Version: 3.5
>>> Post-History: 16-Feb-2014, 21-Feb-2014
>>> Abstract
>>> ========
>>> Just as PEP 308 introduced a means of value-based conditions in an
>>> expression, this system allows exception-based conditions to be used
>>> as part of an expression.
>> Chris, while I also commend you for the comprehensive PEP, I'm -1 on the
>> proposal, for two main reasons:
>> 1. Many proposals suggest new syntax to gain some succinctness. Each has
>> to be judged for its own merits, and in this case IMHO the cons eclipse the
>> pros. I don't think this will save a lot of code in a typical
>> well-structured program - maybe a few lines out of hundreds. On the other
>> hand, it adds yet another syntax to remember and understand, which is not
>> the Pythonic way.
>> 2. Worse, this idea subverts exceptions to control flow, which is not
>> only un-Pythonic but also against the accepted practices of programming in
>> general. Here, the comparison to PEP 308 is misguided. PEP 308, whatever
>> syntax it adds, still remains within the domain of normal control flow. PEP
>> 463, OTOH, makes it deliberately easy to make exceptions part of
>> non-exceptional code, encouraging very bad programming practices.
> But we subsumed using exception for control flow long ago.

 StopIteration is the most blatant, but when we added dict.get(), getattr()
> with a default value, iter() with its default, etc. we made it very clear
> that while exceptions typically represent exceptional situations, they can
> also be used as an easy signal of something which we expect you to handle
> and easily recover from (and returning None or some other singleton doesn't
> make sense), and yet without explicit API support it takes a heavy-handed
> statement to deal with.
True, but at least you still have to explicitly try...except... which takes
a toll on the code so isn't taken lightly. Adding except into expressions,
I fear, will proliferate this usage much more.


> -Brett
>> Eli
>>> Motivation
>>> ==========
>>> A number of functions and methods have parameters which will cause
>>> them to return a specified value instead of raising an exception.  The
>>> current system is ad-hoc and inconsistent, and requires that each
>>> function be individually written to have this functionality; not all
>>> support this.
>>> * dict.get(key, default) - second positional argument in place of
>>>   KeyError
>>> * next(iter, default) - second positional argument in place of
>>>   StopIteration
>>> * list.pop() - no way to return a default
>>> * seq[index] - no way to handle a bounds error
>>> * min(sequence, default=default) - keyword argument in place of
>>>   ValueError
>>> * sum(sequence, start=default) - slightly different but can do the
>>>   same job
>>> * statistics.mean(data) - no way to handle an empty iterator
>>> Rationale
>>> =========
>>> The current system requires that a function author predict the need
>>> for a default, and implement support for it.  If this is not done, a
>>> full try/except block is needed.
>>> Since try/except is a statement, it is impossible to catch exceptions
>>> in the middle of an expression.  Just as if/else does for conditionals
>>> and lambda does for function definitions, so does this allow exception
>>> catching in an expression context.
>>> This provides a clean and consistent way for a function to provide a
>>> default: it simply raises an appropriate exception, and the caller
>>> catches it.
>>> With some situations, an LBYL technique can be used (checking if some
>>> sequence has enough length before indexing into it, for instance). This
>>> is
>>> not safe in all cases, but as it is often convenient, programmers will be
>>> tempted to sacrifice the safety of EAFP in favour of the notational
>>> brevity
>>> of LBYL. Additionally, some LBYL techniques (eg involving getattr with
>>> three arguments) warp the code into looking like literal strings rather
>>> than attribute lookup, which can impact readability. A convenient EAFP
>>> notation solves all of this.
>>> There's no convenient way to write a helper function to do this; the
>>> nearest is something ugly using either lambda::
>>>     def except_(expression, exception_list, default):
>>>         try:
>>>             return expression()
>>>         except exception_list:
>>>             return default()
>>>     value = except_(lambda: 1/x, ZeroDivisionError, lambda: float("nan"))
>>> which is clunky, and unable to handle multiple exception clauses; or
>>> eval::
>>>     def except_(expression, exception_list, default):
>>>         try:
>>>             return eval(expression, globals_of_caller(),
>>> locals_of_caller())
>>>         except exception_list as exc:
>>>             l = locals_of_caller().copy()
>>>             l['exc'] = exc
>>>             return eval(default, globals_of_caller(), l)
>>>     def globals_of_caller():
>>>         return sys._getframe(2).f_globals
>>>     def locals_of_caller():
>>>         return sys._getframe(2).f_locals
>>>     value = except_("""1/x""",ZeroDivisionError,""" "Can't divide by
>>> zero" """)
>>> which is even clunkier, and relies on implementation-dependent hacks.
>>> (Writing globals_of_caller() and locals_of_caller() for interpreters
>>> other than CPython is left as an exercise for the reader.)
>>> Raymond Hettinger `expresses`__ a desire for such a consistent
>>> API. Something similar has been `requested`__ `multiple`__ `times`__
>>> in the past.
>>> __
>>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-February/025443.html
>>> __ https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-March/019760.html
>>> __
>>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2009-August/005441.html
>>> __
>>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2008-August/001801.html
>>> Proposal
>>> ========
>>> Just as the 'or' operator and the three part 'if-else' expression give
>>> short circuiting methods of catching a falsy value and replacing it,
>>> this syntax gives a short-circuiting method of catching an exception
>>> and replacing it.
>>> This currently works::
>>>     lst = [1, 2, None, 3]
>>>     value = lst[2] or "No value"
>>> The proposal adds this::
>>>     lst = [1, 2]
>>>     value = lst[2] except IndexError: "No value"
>>> Specifically, the syntax proposed is::
>>>     expr except exception_list: default
>>> where expr, exception_list, and default are all expressions.  First,
>>> expr is evaluated.  If no exception is raised, its value is the value
>>> of the overall expression.  If any exception is raised, exception_list
>>> is evaluated, and should result in either a type or a tuple, just as
>>> with the statement form of try/except.  Any matching exception will
>>> result in the corresponding default expression being evaluated and
>>> becoming the value of the expression.  As with the statement form of
>>> try/except, non-matching exceptions will propagate upward.
>>> Note that the current proposal does not allow the exception object to
>>> be captured. Where this is needed, the statement form must be used.
>>> (See below for discussion and elaboration on this.)
>>> This ternary operator would be between lambda and if/else in
>>> precedence.
>>> Consider this example of a two-level cache::
>>>     for key in sequence:
>>>         x = (lvl1[key] except KeyError: (lvl2[key] except KeyError:
>>> f(key)))
>>>         # do something with x
>>> This cannot be rewritten as::
>>>         x = lvl1.get(key, lvl2.get(key, f(key)))
>>> which, despite being shorter, defeats the purpose of the cache, as it
>>> must
>>> calculate a default value to pass to get(). The .get() version calculates
>>> backwards; the exception-testing version calculates forwards, as would be
>>> expected. The nearest useful equivalent would be::
>>>         x = lvl1.get(key) or lvl2.get(key) or f(key)
>>> which depends on the values being nonzero, as well as depending on the
>>> cache
>>> object supporting this functionality.
>>> Alternative Proposals
>>> =====================
>>> Discussion on python-ideas brought up the following syntax suggestions::
>>>     value = expr except default if Exception [as e]
>>>     value = expr except default for Exception [as e]
>>>     value = expr except default from Exception [as e]
>>>     value = expr except Exception [as e] return default
>>>     value = expr except (Exception [as e]: default)
>>>     value = expr except Exception [as e] try default
>>>     value = expr except Exception [as e] continue with default
>>>     value = default except Exception [as e] else expr
>>>     value = try expr except Exception [as e]: default
>>>     value = expr except default # Catches anything
>>>     value = expr except(Exception) default # Catches only the named
>>> type(s)
>>>     value = default if expr raise Exception
>>>     value = expr or else default if Exception
>>>     value = expr except Exception [as e] -> default
>>>     value = expr except Exception [as e] pass default
>>> It has also been suggested that a new keyword be created, rather than
>>> reusing an existing one.  Such proposals fall into the same structure
>>> as the last form, but with a different keyword in place of 'pass'.
>>> Suggestions include 'then', 'when', and 'use'. Also, in the context of
>>> the "default if expr raise Exception" proposal, it was suggested that a
>>> new keyword "raises" be used.
>>> All forms involving the 'as' capturing clause have been deferred from
>>> this proposal in the interests of simplicity, but are preserved in the
>>> table above as an accurate record of suggestions.
>>> Open Issues
>>> ===========
>>> Parentheses around the entire expression
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>> Generator expressions require parentheses, unless they would be
>>> strictly redundant.  Ambiguities with except expressions could be
>>> resolved in the same way, forcing nested except-in-except trees to be
>>> correctly parenthesized and requiring that the outer expression be
>>> clearly delineated.  `Steven D'Aprano elaborates on the issue.`__
>>> __
>>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-February/025647.html
>>> Example usage
>>> =============
>>> For each example, an approximately-equivalent statement form is given,
>>> to show how the expression will be parsed.  These are not always
>>> strictly equivalent, but will accomplish the same purpose.  It is NOT
>>> safe for the interpreter to translate one into the other.
>>> A number of these examples are taken directly from the Python standard
>>> library, with file names and line numbers correct as of early Feb 2014.
>>> Many of these patterns are extremely common.
>>> Retrieve an argument, defaulting to None::
>>>         cond = args[1] except IndexError: None
>>>         # Lib/pdb.py:803:
>>>         try:
>>>             cond = args[1]
>>>         except IndexError:
>>>             cond = None
>>> Fetch information from the system if available::
>>>             pwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: None
>>>             # Lib/tkinter/filedialog.py:210:
>>>             try:
>>>                 pwd = os.getcwd()
>>>             except OSError:
>>>                 pwd = None
>>> Attempt a translation, falling back on the original::
>>>         e.widget = self._nametowidget(W) except KeyError: W
>>>         # Lib/tkinter/__init__.py:1222:
>>>         try:
>>>             e.widget = self._nametowidget(W)
>>>         except KeyError:
>>>             e.widget = W
>>> Read from an iterator, continuing with blank lines once it's
>>> exhausted::
>>>         line = readline() except StopIteration: ''
>>>         # Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/tokenize.py:370:
>>>         try:
>>>             line = readline()
>>>         except StopIteration:
>>>             line = ''
>>> Retrieve platform-specific information (note the DRY improvement);
>>> this particular example could be taken further, turning a series of
>>> separate assignments into a single large dict initialization::
>>>         # sys.abiflags may not be defined on all platforms.
>>>         _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = sys.abiflags except AttributeError: ''
>>>         # Lib/sysconfig.py:529:
>>>         try:
>>>             _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = sys.abiflags
>>>         except AttributeError:
>>>             # sys.abiflags may not be defined on all platforms.
>>>             _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = ''
>>> Retrieve an indexed item, defaulting to None (similar to dict.get)::
>>>     def getNamedItem(self, name):
>>>         return self._attrs[name] except KeyError: None
>>>     # Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:573:
>>>     def getNamedItem(self, name):
>>>         try:
>>>             return self._attrs[name]
>>>         except KeyError:
>>>             return None
>>> Translate numbers to names, falling back on the numbers::
>>>             g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2] except KeyError:
>>> tarinfo.gid
>>>             u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2] except KeyError:
>>> tarinfo.uid
>>>             # Lib/tarfile.py:2198:
>>>             try:
>>>                 g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2]
>>>             except KeyError:
>>>                 g = tarinfo.gid
>>>             try:
>>>                 u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2]
>>>             except KeyError:
>>>                 u = tarinfo.uid
>>> Perform some lengthy calculations in EAFP mode, handling division by
>>> zero as a sort of sticky NaN::
>>>     value = calculate(x) except ZeroDivisionError: float("nan")
>>>     try:
>>>         value = calculate(x)
>>>     except ZeroDivisionError:
>>>         value = float("nan")
>>> Calculate the mean of a series of numbers, falling back on zero::
>>>     value = statistics.mean(lst) except statistics.StatisticsError: 0
>>>     try:
>>>         value = statistics.mean(lst)
>>>     except statistics.StatisticsError:
>>>         value = 0
>>> Retrieving a message from either a cache or the internet, with auth
>>> check::
>>>     logging.info("Message shown to user: %s",((cache[k]
>>>         except LookupError:
>>>             (backend.read(k) except OSError: 'Resource not available')
>>>         )
>>>         if check_permission(k) else 'Access denied'
>>>     ) except BaseException: "This is like a bare except clause")
>>>     try:
>>>         if check_permission(k):
>>>             try:
>>>                 _ = cache[k]
>>>             except LookupError:
>>>                 try:
>>>                     _ = backend.read(k)
>>>                 except OSError:
>>>                     _ = 'Resource not available'
>>>         else:
>>>             _ = 'Access denied'
>>>     except BaseException:
>>>         _ = "This is like a bare except clause"
>>>     logging.info("Message shown to user: %s", _)
>>> Looking up objects in a sparse list of overrides::
>>>     (overrides[x] or default except IndexError: default).ping()
>>>     try:
>>>         (overrides[x] or default).ping()
>>>     except IndexError:
>>>         default.ping()
>>> Narrowing of exception-catching scope
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> The following examples, taken directly from Python's standard library,
>>> demonstrate how the scope of the try/except can be conveniently narrowed.
>>> To do this with the statement form of try/except would require a
>>> temporary
>>> variable, but it's far cleaner as an expression.
>>> Lib/ipaddress.py:343::
>>>             try:
>>>                 ips.append(ip.ip)
>>>             except AttributeError:
>>>                 ips.append(ip.network_address)
>>> Becomes::
>>>             ips.append(ip.ip except AttributeError: ip.network_address)
>>> The expression form is nearly equivalent to this::
>>>             try:
>>>                 _ = ip.ip
>>>             except AttributeError:
>>>                 _ = ip.network_address
>>>             ips.append(_)
>>> Lib/tempfile.py:130::
>>>     try:
>>>         dirlist.append(_os.getcwd())
>>>     except (AttributeError, OSError):
>>>         dirlist.append(_os.curdir)
>>> Becomes::
>>>     dirlist.append(_os.getcwd() except (AttributeError, OSError):
>>> _os.curdir)
>>> Lib/asyncore.py:264::
>>>             try:
>>>                 status.append('%s:%d' % self.addr)
>>>             except TypeError:
>>>                 status.append(repr(self.addr))
>>> Becomes::
>>>             status.append('%s:%d' % self.addr except TypeError:
>>> repr(self.addr))
>>> Comparisons with other languages
>>> ================================
>>> (With thanks to Andrew Barnert for compiling this section.)
>>> `Ruby's`__ "begin...rescue...rescue...else...ensure...end" is an expression
>>> (potentially with statements inside it).  It has the equivalent of an
>>> "as"
>>> clause, and the equivalent of bare except.  And it uses no punctuation or
>>> keyword between the bare except/exception class/exception class with as
>>> clause and the value.  (And yes, it's ambiguous unless you understand
>>> Ruby's statement/expression rules.)
>>> __ http://www.skorks.com/2009/09/ruby-exceptions-and-exception-handling/
>>> ::
>>>     x = begin computation() rescue MyException => e default(e) end;
>>>     x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() end;
>>>     x = begin computation() rescue default() end;
>>>     x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() rescue
>>> OtherException other() end;
>>> In terms of this PEP::
>>>     x = computation() except MyException as e default(e)
>>>     x = computation() except MyException default(e)
>>>     x = computation() except default(e)
>>>     x = computation() except MyException default() except OtherException
>>> other()
>>> `Erlang`__ has a try expression that looks like this::
>>> __ http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/expressions.html#id79284
>>>     x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e) end;
>>>     x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e);
>>> OtherException:e -> other(e) end;
>>> The class and "as" name are mandatory, but you can use "_" for either.
>>> There's also an optional "when" guard on each, and a "throw" clause that
>>> you can catch, which I won't get into.  To handle multiple exceptions,
>>> you just separate the clauses with semicolons, which I guess would map
>>> to commas in Python.  So::
>>>     x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e)
>>>     x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e),
>>> OtherException as e->other_default(e)
>>> Erlang also has a "catch" expression, which, despite using the same
>>> keyword,
>>> is completely different, and you don't want to know about it.
>>> The ML family has two different ways of dealing with this, "handle" and
>>> "try"; the difference between the two is that "try" pattern-matches the
>>> exception, which gives you the effect of multiple except clauses and as
>>> clauses.  In either form, the handler clause is punctuated by "=>" in
>>> some dialects, "->" in others.
>>> To avoid confusion, I'll write the function calls in Python style.
>>> Here's `SML's`__ "handle"::
>>> __ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/introsml/core/exceptions.htm
>>>     let x = computation() handle MyException => default();;
>>> Here's `OCaml's`__ "try"::
>>> __ http://www2.lib.uchicago.edu/keith/ocaml-class/exceptions.html
>>>     let x = try computation() with MyException explanation ->
>>> default(explanation);;
>>>     let x = try computation() with
>>>         MyException(e) -> default(e)
>>>       | MyOtherException() -> other_default()
>>>       | (e) -> fallback(e);;
>>> In terms of this PEP, these would be something like::
>>>     x = computation() except MyException => default()
>>>     x = try computation() except MyException e -> default()
>>>     x = (try computation()
>>>          except MyException as e -> default(e)
>>>          except MyOtherException -> other_default()
>>>          except BaseException as e -> fallback(e))
>>> Many ML-inspired but not-directly-related languages from academia mix
>>> things
>>> up, usually using more keywords and fewer symbols. So, the `Oz`__ would
>>> map
>>> to Python as::
>>> __ http://mozart.github.io/mozart-v1/doc-1.4.0/tutorial/node5.html
>>>     x = try computation() catch MyException as e then default(e)
>>> Many Lisp-derived languages, like `Clojure,`__ implement try/catch as
>>> special
>>> forms (if you don't know what that means, think function-like macros),
>>> so you
>>> write, effectively::
>>> __
>>> http://clojure.org/special_forms#Special%20Forms--(try%20expr*%20catch-clause*%20finally-clause
>>> ?)
>>>     try(computation(), catch(MyException, explanation,
>>> default(explanation)))
>>>     try(computation(),
>>>         catch(MyException, explanation, default(explanation)),
>>>         catch(MyOtherException, explanation, other_default(explanation)))
>>> In Common Lisp, this is done with a slightly clunkier `"handler-case"
>>> macro,`__
>>> but the basic idea is the same.
>>> __ http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/m_hand_1.htm
>>> The Lisp style is, surprisingly, used by some languages that don't have
>>> macros, like Lua, where `xpcall`__ takes functions. Writing lambdas
>>> Python-style instead of Lua-style::
>>> __ http://www.gammon.com.au/scripts/doc.php?lua=xpcall
>>>     x = xpcall(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e))
>>> This actually returns (true, expression()) or (false, default(e)), but
>>> I think we can ignore that part.
>>> Haskell is actually similar to Lua here (except that it's all done
>>> with monads, of course)::
>>>     x = do catch(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e))
>>> You can write a pattern matching expression within the function to decide
>>> what to do with it; catching and re-raising exceptions you don't want is
>>> cheap enough to be idiomatic.
>>> But Haskell infixing makes this nicer::
>>>     x = do expression() `catch` lambda: default()
>>>     x = do expression() `catch` lambda e: default(e)
>>> And that makes the parallel between the lambda colon and the except
>>> colon in the proposal much more obvious::
>>>     x = expression() except Exception: default()
>>>     x = expression() except Exception as e: default(e)
>>> `Tcl`__ has the other half of Lua's xpcall; catch is a function which
>>> returns
>>> true if an exception was caught, false otherwise, and you get the value
>>> out
>>> in other ways.  And it's all built around the the implicit quote-and-exec
>>> that everything in Tcl is based on, making it even harder to describe in
>>> Python terms than Lisp macros, but something like::
>>> __ http://wiki.tcl.tk/902
>>>     if {[ catch("computation()") "explanation"]} { default(explanation) }
>>> `Smalltalk`__ is also somewhat hard to map to Python. The basic version
>>> would be::
>>> __ http://smalltalk.gnu.org/wiki/exceptions
>>>     x := computation() on:MyException do:default()
>>> ... but that's basically Smalltalk's passing-arguments-with-colons
>>> syntax, not its exception-handling syntax.
>>> Deferred sub-proposals
>>> ======================
>>> Multiple except clauses
>>> -----------------------
>>> An examination of use-cases shows that this is not needed as often as
>>> it would be with the statement form, and as its syntax is a point on
>>> which consensus has not been reached, the entire feature is deferred.
>>> In order to ensure compatibility with future versions, ensure that any
>>> consecutive except operators are parenthesized to guarantee the
>>> interpretation you expect.
>>> Multiple 'except' keywords can be used, and they will all catch
>>> exceptions raised in the original expression (only)::
>>>     # Will catch any of the listed exceptions thrown by expr;
>>>     # any exception thrown by a default expression will propagate.
>>>     value = (expr
>>>         except Exception1 [as e]: default1
>>>         except Exception2 [as e]: default2
>>>         # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN
>>>     )
>>> Using parentheses to force an alternative interpretation works as
>>> expected::
>>>     # Will catch an Exception2 thrown by either expr or default1
>>>     value = (
>>>         (expr except Exception1: default1)
>>>         except Exception2: default2
>>>     )
>>>     # Will catch an Exception2 thrown by default1 only
>>>     value = (expr except Exception1:
>>>         (default1 except Exception2: default2)
>>>     )
>>> This last form is confusing and should be discouraged by PEP 8, but it
>>> is syntactically legal: you can put any sort of expression inside a
>>> ternary-except; ternary-except is an expression; therefore you can put
>>> a ternary-except inside a ternary-except.
>>> Open question: Where there are multiple except clauses, should they be
>>> separated by commas?  It may be easier for the parser, that way::
>>>     value = (expr
>>>         except Exception1 [as e]: default1,
>>>         except Exception2 [as e]: default2,
>>>         # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN,
>>>     )
>>> with an optional comma after the last, as per tuple rules.  Downside:
>>> Omitting the comma would be syntactically valid, and would have almost
>>> identical semantics, but would nest the entire preceding expression in
>>> its exception catching rig - a matching exception raised in the
>>> default clause would be caught by the subsequent except clause.  As
>>> this difference is so subtle, it runs the risk of being a major bug
>>> magnet.
>>> As a mitigation of this risk, this form::
>>>     value = expr except Exception1: default1 except Exception2: default2
>>> could be syntactically forbidden, and parentheses required if the
>>> programmer actually wants that behaviour::
>>>     value = (expr except Exception1: default1) except Exception2:
>>> default2
>>> This would prevent the accidental omission of a comma from changing
>>> the expression's meaning.
>>> Capturing the exception object
>>> ------------------------------
>>> In a try/except block, the use of 'as' to capture the exception object
>>> creates a local name binding, and implicitly deletes that binding in a
>>> finally clause.  As 'finally' is not a part of this proposal (see
>>> below), this makes it tricky to describe; also, this use of 'as' gives
>>> a way to create a name binding in an expression context.  Should the
>>> default clause have an inner scope in which the name exists, shadowing
>>> anything of the same name elsewhere?  Should it behave the same way the
>>> statement try/except does, and unbind the name?  Should it bind the
>>> name and leave it bound? (Almost certainly not; this behaviour was
>>> changed in Python 3 for good reason.)
>>> Additionally, this syntax would allow a convenient way to capture
>>> exceptions in interactive Python; returned values are captured by "_",
>>> but exceptions currently are not. This could be spelled:
>>> >>> expr except Exception as e: e
>>> (The inner scope idea is tempting, but currently CPython handles list
>>> comprehensions with a nested function call, as this is considered
>>> easier.  It may be of value to simplify both comprehensions and except
>>> expressions, but that is a completely separate proposal to this PEP;
>>> alternatively, it may be better to stick with what's known to
>>> work. `Nick Coghlan elaborates.`__)
>>> __
>>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-February/025702.html
>>> An examination of the Python standard library shows that, while the use
>>> of 'as' is fairly common (occurring in roughly one except clause in
>>> five),
>>> it is extremely *uncommon* in the cases which could logically be
>>> converted
>>> into the expression form.  Its few uses can simply be left unchanged.
>>> Consequently, in the interests of simplicity, the 'as' clause is not
>>> included in this proposal.  A subsequent Python version can add this
>>> without
>>> breaking any existing code, as 'as' is already a keyword.
>>> One example where this could possibly be useful is Lib/imaplib.py:568::
>>>         try: typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGOUT')
>>>         except: typ, dat = 'NO', ['%s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]]
>>> This could become::
>>>         typ, dat = (self._simple_command('LOGOUT')
>>>             except BaseException as e: ('NO', '%s: %s' % (type(e), e)))
>>> Or perhaps some other variation. This is hardly the most compelling
>>> use-case,
>>> but an intelligent look at this code could tidy it up significantly.  In
>>> the
>>> absence of further examples showing any need of the exception object, I
>>> have
>>> opted to defer indefinitely the recommendation.
>>> Rejected sub-proposals
>>> ======================
>>> finally clause
>>> --------------
>>> The statement form try... finally or try... except... finally has no
>>> logical corresponding expression form.  Therefore the finally keyword
>>> is not a part of this proposal, in any way.
>>> Bare except having different meaning
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> With several of the proposed syntaxes, omitting the exception type name
>>> would be easy and concise, and would be tempting. For convenience's sake,
>>> it might be advantageous to have a bare 'except' clause mean something
>>> more useful than "except BaseException". Proposals included having it
>>> catch Exception, or some specific set of "common exceptions" (subclasses
>>> of a new type called ExpressionError), or have it look for a tuple named
>>> ExpressionError in the current scope, with a built-in default such as
>>> (ValueError, UnicodeError, AttributeError, EOFError, IOError, OSError,
>>> LookupError, NameError, ZeroDivisionError). All of these were rejected,
>>> for severa reasons.
>>> * First and foremost, consistency with the statement form of try/except
>>> would be broken. Just as a list comprehension or ternary if expression
>>> can be explained by "breaking it out" into its vertical statement form,
>>> an expression-except should be able to be explained by a relatively
>>> mechanical translation into a near-equivalent statement. Any form of
>>> syntax common to both should therefore have the same semantics in each,
>>> and above all should not have the subtle difference of catching more in
>>> one than the other, as it will tend to attract unnoticed bugs.
>>> * Secondly, the set of appropriate exceptions to catch would itself be
>>> a huge point of contention. It would be impossible to predict exactly
>>> which exceptions would "make sense" to be caught; why bless some of them
>>> with convenient syntax and not others?
>>> * And finally (this partly because the recommendation was that a bare
>>> except should be actively encouraged, once it was reduced to a
>>> "reasonable"
>>> set of exceptions), any situation where you catch an exception you don't
>>> expect to catch is an unnecessary bug magnet.
>>> Consequently, the use of a bare 'except' is down to two possibilities:
>>> either it is syntactically forbidden in the expression form, or it is
>>> permitted with the exact same semantics as in the statement form (namely,
>>> that it catch BaseException and be unable to capture it with 'as').
>>> Bare except clauses
>>> -------------------
>>> PEP 8 rightly advises against the use of a bare 'except'. While it is
>>> syntactically legal in a statement, and for backward compatibility must
>>> remain so, there is little value in encouraging its use. In an expression
>>> except clause, "except:" is a SyntaxError; use the equivalent long-hand
>>> form "except BaseException:" instead. A future version of Python MAY
>>> choose
>>> to reinstate this, which can be done without breaking compatibility.
>>> Parentheses around the except clauses
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> Should it be legal to parenthesize the except clauses, separately from
>>> the expression that could raise? Example::
>>>     value = expr (
>>>         except Exception1 [as e]: default1
>>>         except Exception2 [as e]: default2
>>>         # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN
>>>     )
>>> This is more compelling when one or both of the deferred sub-proposals
>>> of multiple except clauses and/or exception capturing is included.  In
>>> their absence, the parentheses would be thus::
>>>     value = expr except ExceptionType: default
>>>     value = expr (except ExceptionType: default)
>>> The advantage is minimal, and the potential to confuse a reader into
>>> thinking the except clause is separate from the expression, or into
>>> thinking
>>> this is a function call, makes this non-compelling.  The expression can,
>>> of
>>> course, be parenthesized if desired, as can the default::
>>>     value = (expr) except ExceptionType: (default)
>>> Short-hand for "except: pass"
>>> -----------------------------
>>> The following was been suggested as a similar
>>> short-hand, though not technically an expression::
>>>     statement except Exception: pass
>>>     try:
>>>         statement
>>>     except Exception:
>>>         pass
>>> For instance, a common use-case is attempting the removal of a file::
>>>     os.unlink(some_file) except OSError: pass
>>> There is an equivalent already in Python 3.4, however, in contextlib::
>>>     from contextlib import suppress
>>>     with suppress(OSError): os.unlink(some_file)
>>> As this is already a single line (or two with a break after the colon),
>>> there is little need of new syntax and a confusion of statement vs
>>> expression to achieve this.
>>> Copyright
>>> =========
>>> This document has been placed in the public domain.
>>> ..
>>>    Local Variables:
>>>    mode: indented-text
>>>    indent-tabs-mode: nil
>>>    sentence-end-double-space: t
>>>    fill-column: 70
>>>    coding: utf-8
>>>    End:
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