[Python-Dev] PEP 461 - Adding % and {} formatting to bytes

Glenn Linderman v+python at g.nevcal.com
Thu Jan 16 19:25:28 CET 2014

On 1/16/2014 8:41 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> That's a very good catch, Michael! I think that makes sense if there 
> is precedence. Unfortunately that bit from the PEP never made it into 
> the documentation so I'm not sure if there is a 
> backwards-compatibility worry.

No.  If __format__ is called with bytes format, and returns str, there 
would be an exception generated on the spot.

If __format__ is called with bytes format, and tries to use it as str, 
there would be an exception generated on the spot.

Prior to 3.whenever-this-is-implemented, Python 3 only provides str 
formats to __format__, right? So new code is required to pass bytes to 
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