[Python-Dev] Enable Hostname and Certificate Chain Validation

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 12:20:07 CET 2014

> But if it's only the already security-conscious developers and
> managers who go WTF?, and other environments don't do this by default,
> I'd consider that a "dangerous curve, slow down" sign.



  * Upgrade setuptools (distribute, zc.buildout)
  * Avoid easy_install, python setup.py install, and python setup.py develop
    (until it can be verified that the installed version of setuptools contains
     VerifyingHTTPSHandler [1])


  * +1 for Pip install -e
  * +1 for Conda
  * +1 for OS packages


* Python < 3.4 : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.ssl_match_hostname


* Big red warning boxes: (.. warning:: in RST): Documentation
* This must not be easy to test.
* http://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-10210/product_id-18230/Python-Python.html

Wes Turner

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:05 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
> Donald Stufft writes:
>  > As an additional side note, anecdotal evidence and what not, but
>  > *every* time I bring this up somewhere I get at least one reply
>  > that looks similar to
>  > https://twitter.com/ojiidotch/status/425986619879866368
> Hey, wait a cotton-picking minute!
> Are you telling me that Perl, PHP, and Ruby *do* verify certs by
> default in their "batteries included" stdlibs, and developers using
> those languages have been turning that feature off in their code for,
> like, you know, well, for-EVER man!?  (They surely don't leave it on,
> or my employer would have fixed their broken cert chain and hostnames
> by now.)
> If so, that's evidence for the practicality of the proposal, and maybe
> even for fast-tracking it to catch up.  My employer and the Ministry
> of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology be damned (and they
> will be).
> But if it's only the already security-conscious developers and
> managers who go WTF?, and other environments don't do this by default,
> I'd consider that a "dangerous curve, slow down" sign.
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