[Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Jul 9 06:21:11 CEST 2014

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > I don't think so. Floating point == represents *numeric* equality,

There is no such thing as floating point == in Python.  You can apply
== to two floating point numbers, but == (at the language level)
handles any two numbers, as well as pairs of things that aren't
numbers in the Python language.  So it's a design decision to include
NaNs at all, and another design decision to follow IEEE in giving them
behavior that violates the definition of equivalence relation for ==.

 > In an early post, you suggested that NANs don't have a value, or that 
 > they have a value which is not a value. I don't think that's a good way 
 > to look at it. I think the obvious way to think of it is that NAN's 
 > value is Not A Number, exactly like it says on the box. Now, if 
 > something is not a number, obviously you cannot compare it numerically:

And if Python can't do something you ask it to do, it raises an
exception.  Why should this be different?  Obviously, it's question of

 > I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Is it that containers such 
 > as lists and dicts are permitted to optimize equality tests with 
 > identity tests for speed?

No, when I say I'm fuzzy I'm referring to the fact that although I
understand the logical rationale for IEEE 754 NaN behavior, I don't
really understand the ins and outs well enough to judge for myself
whether it's a good idea for Python to follow that model and turn ==
into something that is not an equivalence relation.

I'm not going to argue for a change, I just want to know where I stand.

 > Basically, and I realise that many people disagree with their decision 
 > (notably Bertrand Meyer of Eiffel fame, and our own Mark
 > Dickenson),

Indeed.  So "it's the standard" does not mean there is a consensus of
experts.  I'm willing to delegate to a consensus of expert opinion,
but not when some prominent local expert(s) disagree -- then I'd like
to understand well enough to come to my own conclusions.

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