[Python-Dev] Moving Python 3.5 on Windows to a new compiler

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 22:13:30 CEST 2014

On 6 June 2014 20:20, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
> 2. what is the risk of installing a beta compiler on what might
>    otherwise be a "production" developer system? In particular, could
>    it interfere with other VS installations, and could it require a
>    complete system reinstall when the final release of VC 14 is
>    available?

>From http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/visual-studio-14-ctp-vs

Currently, Visual Studio "14" CTPs have known compatibility issues
with previous releases of Visual Studio and should not be installed
side-by-side on the same computer.

It also states that installing the CTP on a PC puts that PC into
"Unsupported" state.


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