[Python-Dev] Criticism of execfile() removal in Python3

Skip Montanaro skip.montanaro at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 02:01:09 CEST 2014

> you say "do this once", but actually it's "do it in each interactive
> session again and again",  ...

That's what your Python startup file is for. I have been running with
several tweaked builtin functions for years. Never have to consciously load
them. If I wanted execfile badly enough, I'd define it there.

I don't think I've used execfile more than a handful of times in the 20-odd
years I've been using Python. Perhaps our personal approaches to executing
code at the interpreter prompt are radically different, but I think if the
lack of execfile is such a big deal for you, you might want to check around
to see how other people use interactive mode.

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