[Python-Dev] Wave module support for floating point data

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 21:31:42 CET 2014

01.03.14 21:57, Sebastian Kraft написав(ла):
> more than a year ago I have submitted a patch to enhance the Wave module
> with read/write support for floating point data.
> http://bugs.python.org/issue16525
> Up till now this patch has not been applied nor did I get feedback if
> anything needs to be enhanced or changed before it can be committed.
> I have never been in contact with your development process and Python
> core developers, so please tell me what I should improve...

I had assigned this issue to myself because I were going to solve it. 
There was too little time before features freeze, so the patch had been 
delayed until 3.5. As for the patch itself, there were many changes in 
the wave module last months, especially in the tests, so the patch can't 
be applied cleanly and should be rewritten.

The main problem is that this issue could not be resolved separately. 
First of all we should add support for floating point in the audioop 
module, we also need to add support for floating point in aifc and sunau 
modules. Need to design a new interface for audio modules.

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