[Python-Dev] Cherry-pick between Python 3.4 RC2 and final?

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Tue Mar 4 04:35:29 CET 2014

On 03/03/2014 01:38 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Related question - have you decided yet whether or not to do an rc3?
> I ask, as I believe it would be good to give the folks like Mike Bayer 
> and Armin Ronacher (who picked up test coverage gaps in rc2 via the 
> Alembic and Flask test suites respectively) a chance to rerun their 
> tests before we declare 3.4 final.

I hadn't planned on it.  I'll reach out to those two and see if they can 
deal with tarballs, rather than requiring binary installers--if tarballs 
works for them, I'll steer them towards the 3.4 merge status tarballs 
and ping them when I spin up some new ones.

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