[Python-Dev] Any non-3.4.0 docs in "default"?

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Thu Mar 13 16:16:35 CET 2014

I'm strongly considering literally copying over all the content in Doc/ 
from the default branch to the 3.4 branch.  Not cherry-picking doc 
changes, simply copying everything en masse.  I have two questions for 
the core devs.

1) Sound good?

2) Do you know of anything in Doc/ that shouldn't ship in 3.4.0?  I know 
about the change to the build--3.4.1 won't auto-download Sphinx 
anymore.  Is there anything else like that?



p.s. I expect to tag 3.4.0 final somewhere between 48 and 72 hours from 
now.  Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train!
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