[Python-Dev] hg branching + log question

Sean Felipe Wolfe ether.joe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 21:02:23 CET 2014

I'm getting my feet wet with the cpython sources and Mercurial. I'm a
bit confused -- when I checkout a branch, eg. 3.3, and I do an 'hg
log', why do I see log messages for other branches?

I'm expecting different branches to be kept discreetly. If I switch to
3.3, then I expect to see only 3.3 commits and changes.

Also, what does the branch 'default' mean in this context? Since
cpython is concerned with 3 major concurrent release tracks, why would
there even be a default ? Does it just point to 3.4?


A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write,
if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
- Abraham Maslow

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