[Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] cpython: Remove the redundant and poorly worded warning message.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sun May 11 15:34:20 CEST 2014

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > As you point out, most language development teams do very little to
 > try to educate their users about security issues.

That's partly because it isn't going to be terribly effective.
Security is a difficult subject, not one that's going to be usefully
treated in a couple of lines here, a couple more there.  And it is
generally an application issue, not one that is specific to individual

If we're serious about this, I suggest following the RFC pattern:
*every* module's documentation should have a "Security Considerations"
section.  Probably the content will be basically the same as the
existing warning boxes, but with a consistent approach throughout the
docs it could convey the importance of always thinking about security.

 > The consequences of that are clearly visible in the world around
 > us: when security is treated as an optional afterthought,

But (FWIW) that's what warning boxes looks like to me.  An
afterthought.  Not a systematic attempt to encourage security by
teaching about secure programming.  By your own words, we are nowhere
close to a world where "a word, to the wise, is sufficient."

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