[Python-Dev] Improvements for Pathlib

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 19:14:27 CET 2014

+1 for the context manager ideas. Anything that is like a resource should
be available as a context manager.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Ionel Cristian Mărieș <contact at ionelmc.ro>

> Hello,
> In the current incarnation Pathlib is missing some key features I need in
> my usecases. I want to contribute them but i'd like a bit of feedback on
> the new api before jumping to implementation.
> The four things I need are:
> #1. A context manager for temporary files and dirs (that cleans everything
> up on exit). Eg:
> with pathlib.TmpDir(suffix='', prefix='') as tmp:
>   assert isinstance(tmp, pathlib.Path)
> with pathlib.TmpFile(suffix='', prefix='') as tmp:
>   assert isinstance(tmp, pathlib.Path)
> #2. A context manager for changing working directory (that switches to the
> old cwd on exit). Eg:
> with path.cd():
>  assert os.getcwd() == path
> #
> ​3​
> . Shutil-like features:
> - copy_file
> - copy_dir (or copy_tree?)
> - copy (does copy_dir or copy_file depending on what the source is. How to
> handle symlinks?)
> - rm_dir (or rm_tree? Also, this would be required for the TmpDir path).
> #4. Zip files support. A specialised Path subclass that works inside a zip
> file. I'm ok having this as an external package but some discussion would
> be useful as I'd have to rely on pathlib internals.
> After some brief looking in the pathlib code it would appear the wise
> thing would be to have the zip path as the "drive" for the ZipPaths that
> refer to files inside the zip.
> I'm not sure where the best place is to store the internal zipfile object.
> Perhaps the accessor?
> Ideally the ZipFiles would work with the shtuil-like api just fine (or at
> least the readonly operations).
> Thanks,
> -- Ionel M.
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