[Python-Dev] OneGet provider for Python

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sat Nov 15 11:03:55 CET 2014

On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:12:59 -0600
Vincent Povirk <madewokherd at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been following OneGet development very closely, and I have
> volunteered to create a OneGet provider for installing Python
> packages. Normally, I would keep quiet about this sort of thing until
> I have actual code that works, but since no one else on the OneGet
> seems as interested in doing it, and the Python community (if this
> mailing list is anything to go by) doesn't know what to make of this
> stuff, I figured I should try to open lines of communication before I
> start essentially making decisions on this community's behalf.
> So, the main advantage of a Python provider is that you would be able
> to do things like:
> > Install-Package -Provider Python -Name Pygments
> or
> > Install-Package Pygments-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
> and OneGet would be able to bootstrap (if necessary) the Python
> provider itself, Python 3.x, and pip, and use pip to install the .whl.
> (I'm unclear at the moment on whether pip is necessary to install a
> .whl, but currently it looks to be the best thing to lean on for the
> job of installing/uninstalling things).
> My end goal is to be able to package a Python application such that an
> end-user on Windows (who doesn't know anything about Python) can
> easily install it, without either of us having to think about how all
> the dependencies are going to get there.
> I think that the best approach for the moment is to lean heavily on
> pip for installing/uninstalling things, while duplicating other tasks
> (such as listing installed packages, querying information about
> package files, searching PyPI) in C# so that they do not require a
> Python environment.
> If anyone has questions or concerns about this, please let me know.
> Keep in mind that I am not subscribed to the mailing list and will
> have to be CC'd.

If you don't get any answers here, I would suggest posting on
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