[Python-Dev] OneGet provider for Python

Ned Deily nad at acm.org
Mon Nov 17 20:23:24 CET 2014

In article 
<CACac1F9WEpiw49i5HAm-heZDWmypdMYM6Dfnrf93ZXewJ3Fw6A at mail.gmail.com>,
 Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this got lost in the other messages in this thread,
> but *is* there a stable URL for "the latest Python 3.4 MSI for Windows
> amd64" (or similar)?

AFAIK, no, there is no such stable URL that directly downloads the 
latest installer(s) for a platform; the closest is probably 
https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ which would require scraping. 
I'm not sure we would want to encourage such a thing; we want 
downloaders to read the web page information for each release and make 
an informed choice.  And the number of installer variants may change 
from release to release for a platform, as was recently the case with 
the OS X installers.  For testing purposes, scraping the web pages or 
using the (undocumented, see the code base on github) website JSON API 
are probably the best options now.  You could open an issue on the 
website github issue tracker.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at acm.org

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