[Python-Dev] Move selected documentation repos to PSF BitBucket account?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sun Nov 23 18:39:08 CET 2014

> On Nov 23, 2014, at 11:55 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> This high level of activity also takes place in spite of the fact that direct corporate investment in paid contributions to the CPython runtime currently don't really reflect the key role that CPython holds in the enterprise Linux, OpenStack, data analysis, and education ecosystems (to name a few where I personally have some level of involvement either personally or through work).
> Where I believe we *do* have a problem is with failing to make the best possible use of core developer contribution time, as typos and other minor fixes to project (rather than product) documentation are managed through the same offline patch & upload process as the reference interpreter itself. (There are other issues as well, but they're out of scope for the current discussion, which is about the support repos, rather than CPython - the same problem exists there, but the solution is unlikely to be as straightforward).
> Patches getting held up in the review queue for weeks or months is a *huge* barrier to contribution, as it prevents the formation of the positive feedback cycle where having a contribution accepted feels good, so folks are more likely to want to contribute again.
> In that context, the useful features that a richer repo hosting application can potentially offer are single-click acceptance and merging of documentation changes that aren't directly linked to a specific CPython version, as well as the ability to make trivial fixes to that documentation (like fixing a typo) entirely online.
> Those features are readily accessible without changing the underlying version control system (whether self-hosted through Kallithea or externally hosted through BitBucket or RhodeCode). Thus the folks that want to change the version control system need to make the case that doing so will provide additional benefits that *can't* be obtained in a less disruptive way.
> I guess my question is who and what is going to be disrupted if we go with Guido's suggestion of switching to GitHub for code hosting? Contributors won't be disrupted at all since most people are more familiar with GitHub vs. Bitbucket (how many times have we all heard the fact someone has even learned Mercurial just to contribute to Python?). Core developers might be based on some learned workflow, but I'm willing to bet we all know git at this point (and for those of us who still don't like it, myself included, there are GUI apps to paper over it or hg-git for those that prefer a CLI). Our infrastructure will need to be updated, but how much of it is that hg-specific short of the command to checkout out the repo? Obviously Bitbucket is much more minor by simply updating just a URL, but changing `hg clone` to `git clone` isn't crazy either. Georg, Antoine, or Benjamin can point out if I'm wrong on this, maybe Donald or someone in the infrastructure committee.
> Probably the biggest thing I can think of that would need updating is our commit hooks. Once again Georg, Antoine, or Benjamin could say how difficult it would be to update those hooks.

Commit hooks don’t work on Github or bitbucket anyways. So either way they’d need rewritten to support whichever platform’s web hooks instead. 

> From my perspective, swapping out Mercurial for git achieves exactly nothing in terms of alleviating the review bottleneck (since the core developers that strongly prefer the git UI will already be using an adapter), and is in fact likely to make it worse by putting the greatest burden in adapting to the change on the folks that are already under the greatest time pressure.
> That's not entirely true. If you are pushing a PR shift in our patch acceptance workflow then Bitbucket vs. GitHub isn't fundamentally any different in terms of benefit, and I would honestly argue that GitHub's PR experience is better. IOW either platform is of equal benefit.

Right, I would argue that Github is at least a little bit better because of the commit status API. It’s *really* nice to see right on a PR if it breaks anything or not before you merge it without ever having to run a thing manually. That isn’t something that only Travis can do so if we want some other system to do it that’s totally possible.

> It's also worth keeping in mind that changing the underlying VCS means changing *all* the automation scripts, rather than just updating the configuration settings to reflect a new hosting URL.
> What are the automation scripts there are that would require updating? I would like to a list and to have the difficulty of moving them mentioned to know what the impact would be.

Off the top of my head for the docs I know of https://github.com/python/docsbuild-scripts/blob/master/build_docs.py <https://github.com/python/docsbuild-scripts/blob/master/build_docs.py> which will need to be updated to git clone instead of hg clone.

For the record here is the list of commit hooks on the devguide: https://bpaste.net/show/3b151d0ddcb4 <https://bpaste.net/show/3b151d0ddcb4> but as I said above, those will need to be written on either platform because to my knowledge none of the hosted sites allow you to upload arbitrary commit hooks that get executed on their machines.

I’m struggling to think of what other automation we might have for documentation. There’s no buildbot on anything that isn’t CPython.

> Orchestrating this kind of infrastructure enhancement for Red Hat *is* my day job, and you almost always want to go for the lowest impact, lowest risk approach that will alleviate the bottleneck you're worried about while changing the smallest possible number of elements in the overall workflow management system.
> Sure, but I would never compare our infrastructure needs to Red Hat. =) You also have to be conservative in order to minimize downtown and impact for cost reasons. As an open source project we don't have those kinds of worry; we just have to worry about keeping everyone happy.

I think the other consideration here is that when your workforce is volunteers and not people you’re paying to do things you have to be cognizant of what the volunteers are willing to do as well. Nick has said he’s having problem getting interested parties who are motivated to make the move however I am willing to put in the work to move to Github, I’m not however willing to do it for Bitbucket because it’s frankly about as bad to me personally as the current arrangement is. This isn’t to say there isn’t someone who wouldn’t do the work for bitbucket of course, just going off Nick saying he’s having problems finding someone willing to do that work.

> That underlying calculation doesn't really change much even when the units shift from budget dollars to volunteers' time and energy.
> So here is what I want to know to focus this discussion:
> First, what new workflow are you proposing regardless of repo hosting provider? Are you proposing we maintain just mirrors and update the devguide to tell people to fork on the hosting provider, make their changes, generate a patch (which can be as simple as telling people how find the raw diff on the hosting provider), and then upload the patch the issue tracker just like today? Are you going farther and saying we have people send PRs on the hosting site, have them point to their PR in the issue tracker, and then we accept PRs (I'm going on the assumption we are not dropping our issue tracker)?
> Second, to properly gauge the impact of switching from git to hg from an infrastructure perspective, what automation scripts do we have and how difficult would it be to update them to use git instead of hg? This is necessary simply to know where we would need to update URLs, let alone change in DVCS.
> Third, do our release managers care about hg vs. git strongly? They probably use the DVCS the most directly and at a lower level by necessity compared to anyone else.
> Fourth, do any core developers feel strongly about not using GitHub? Now please notice I said "GitHub" and not "git"; I think the proper way to frame this whole discussion is we are deciding if we want to switch to Bitbucket or GitHub who provide a low-level API for their version control storage service through hg or git, respectively. I personally dislike git, but I really like GitHub and I don't even notice git there since I use GitHub's OS X app; as I said, I view this as choosing a platform and not the underlying DVCS as I have happily chosen to access the GitHub hosting service through an app that is not git (it's like accessing a web app through it's web page or its REST API).
> At least for me, until we get a clear understanding of what workflow changes we are asking for both contributors and core developers and exactly what work would be necessary to update our infrastructure for either Bitbucket or GitHub we can't really have a reasonable discussion that isn't going to be full of guessing.
> And I'm still in support no matter what of breaking out the HOWTOs and the tutorial into their own repos for easier updating (having to update the Python porting HOWTO in three branches is a pain when it should be consistent across Python releases).

I agree breaking these out is a great idea in general. It’s similar to the packaging guide which is at packaging.python.org <http://packaging.python.org/> and is maintained outside of the CPython repository (also on Github fwiw).

> -Brett
> Regards,
> Nick.
> >
> > ---
> > Donald Stufft
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