[Python-Dev] advice needed: best approach to enabling "metamodules"?

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Sun Nov 30 20:29:10 CET 2014

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 2:54 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> All the use cases seem to be about adding some kind of getattr hook to
> modules. They all seem to involve modifying the CPython C code anyway. So
> why not tackle that problem head-on and modify module_getattro() to look for
> a global named __getattr__ and if it exists, call that instead of raising
> AttributeError?

You need to allow overriding __dir__ as well for tab-completion, and
some people wanted to use the properties API instead of raw
__getattr__, etc. Maybe someone will want __getattribute__ semantics,
I dunno. So since we're *so close* to being able to just use the
subclassing machinery, it seemed cleaner to try and get that working
instead of reimplementing bits of it piecewise.

That said, __getattr__ + __dir__ would be enough for my immediate use cases.


> On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Are these really all our options? All of them sound like hacks, none of
>> > them
>> > sound like anything the language (or even the CPython implementation)
>> > should
>> > sanction. Have I missed the discussion where the use cases and
>> > constraints
>> > were analyzed and all other approaches were rejected? (I might have some
>> > half-baked ideas, but I feel I should read up on the past discussion
>> > first,
>> > and they are probably more fit for python-ideas than for python-dev.
>> > Plus
>> > I'm just writing this email because I'm procrastinating on the type
>> > hinting
>> > PEP. :-)
>> The previous discussions I was referring to are here:
>>   http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.ideas/29487/focus=29555
>>   http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.ideas/29788
>> There might well be other options; these are just the best ones I
>> could think of :-). The constraints are pretty tight, though:
>> - The "new module" object (whatever it is) should have a __dict__ that
>> aliases the original module globals(). I can elaborate on this if my
>> original email wasn't enough, but hopefully it's obvious that making
>> two copies of the same namespace and then trying to keep them in sync
>> at the very least smells bad :-).
>> - The "new module" object has to be a subtype of ModuleType, b/c there
>> are lots of places that do isinstance(x, ModuleType) checks (notably
>> -- but not only -- reload()). Since a major goal here is to make it
>> possible to do cleaner deprecations, it would be really unfortunate if
>> switching an existing package to use the metamodule support itself
>> broke things :-).
>> - Lookups in the normal case should have no additional performance
>> overhead, because module lookups are extremely extremely common. (So
>> this rules out dict proxies and tricks like that -- we really need
>> 'new_module.__dict__ is globals()' to be true.)
>> AFAICT there are three logically possible strategies for satisfying
>> that first constraint:
>> (a) convert the original module object into the type we want, in-place
>> (b) create a new module object that acts like the original module object
>> (c) somehow arrange for our special type to be used from the start
>> My options 1 and 2 are means of accomplishing (a), and my options 3
>> and 4 are means of accomplishing (b) while working around the
>> behavioural quirks of module objects (as required by the second
>> constraint).
>> The python-ideas thread did also consider several methods of
>> implementing strategy (c), but they're messy enough that I left them
>> out here. The problem is that somehow we have to execute code to
>> create the new subtype *before* we have an entry in sys.modules for
>> the package that contains the code for the subtype. So one option
>> would be to add a new rule, that if a file pkgname/__new__.py exists,
>> then this is executed first and is required to set up
>> sys.modules["pkgname"] before we exec pkgname/__init__.py. So
>> pkgname/__new__.py might look like:
>>     import sys
>>     from pkgname._metamodule import MyModuleSubtype
>>     sys.modules[__name__] = MyModuleSubtype(__name__, docstring)
>> This runs into a lot of problems though. To start with, the 'from
>> pkgname._metamodule ...' line is an infinite loop, b/c this is the
>> code used to create sys.modules["pkgname"]. It's not clear where the
>> globals dict for executing __new__.py comes from (who defines
>> __name__? Currently that's done by ModuleType.__init__). It only works
>> for packages, not modules. The need to provide the docstring here,
>> before __init__.py is even read, is weird. It adds extra stat() calls
>> to every package lookup. And, the biggest showstopper IMHO: AFAICT
>> it's impossible to write a polyfill to support this code on old python
>> versions, so it's useless to any package which needs to keep
>> compatibility with 2.7 (or even 3.4). Sure, you can backport the whole
>> import system like importlib2, but telling everyone that they need to
>> replace every 'import numpy' with 'import importlib2; import numpy' is
>> a total non-starter.
>> So, yeah, those 4 options are really the only plausible ones I know of.
>> Option 1 and option 3 are pretty nice at the language level! Most
>> Python objects allow assignment to __class__ and __dict__, and both
>> PyPy and Jython at least do support __class__ assignment. Really the
>> only downside with Option 1 is that actually implementing it requires
>> attention from someone with deep knowledge of typeobject.c.
>> -n
>> --
>> Nathaniel J. Smith
>> Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh
>> http://vorpus.org
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> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

Nathaniel J. Smith
Postdoctoral researcher - Informatics - University of Edinburgh

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