[Python-Dev] Sad status of Python 3.x buildbots

Antonio Cavallo a.cavallo at cavallinux.eu
Fri Sep 5 03:33:32 CEST 2014

Setting up a repo with the code and cleaning a bit here and there.
Over the weekend I can put something useable.

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 4 September 2014 18:50, A. Cavallo<a.cavallo at cavallinux.eu>  wrote:
>> Yes there are "details" indeed. But not show stoppers. A prototype can be
>> seen here: http://cclimited.webfactional.com
>> The nice bit is testing will be executed in a total fresh instance, an added
>> bonus
> Oh, very nice!
> What is needed to get that up and running?
> Regards,
> Nick.

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