[Python-Dev] Starting CPython development w/ Docker

Carol Willing willingc at willingconsulting.com
Mon Apr 20 18:13:43 CEST 2015

On 4/20/15 7:52 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:44 AM Saul Shanabrook 
> <s.shanabrook at gmail.com <mailto:s.shanabrook at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I started trying some CPythong development a week ago at PyCon and
>     first got testing working using Docker on my mac. This had the
>     advantage of not having to worry about installing and
>     dependencies, and also let me test on different Python versions
>     easily.
Saul, thanks for the steps, and I will be trying it out.
>     If you are interested in trying it, I laid out all the steps here:
>     http://www.saulshanabrook.com/cpython-dev-w-docker/
> Would you mind proposing this idea to core-mentorship at python.org 
> <mailto:core-mentorship at python.org> and seeing if anyone else would 
> benefit? If others do try it out and like then feel free to file an 
> issue at bugs.python.org <http://bugs.python.org> for devinabox to add 
> your script.
Please do share your good work with core-mentorship :)

Brett, Up to date docker development containers (devinabox in the cloudy 
sky) would be helpful for new developers since there will be less 
questioning and uncertainty if the dev environment is set up correctly.
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*Carol Willing*
Developer | Willing Consulting
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