[Python-Dev] async/await in Python; v2

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Apr 24 04:45:05 CEST 2015

Yury Selivanov writes:

 > To my eye 'async def name()', 'async with', 'async for' look
 > better than 'def async name()', 'with async' and 'for async'.
 > But that's highly subjective.

I'm with Barry on this one as far as looks go.  (But count that as a
+0, since I'm just a literary critic, I don't use coroutines in anger
at present.)

 > I also read "for async item in iter:" as "I'm iterating iter
 > with async item".

I thought that was precisely the intended semantics: item is available

Again, count as a +0.  FWIW, etc.

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