[Python-Dev] PEP 492: async/await in Python; v3
Yury Selivanov
yselivanov.ml at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 05:23:46 CEST 2015
Hi Stephen,
Thanks a lot for the feedback and suggestions. I'll apply them
to the PEP.
On 2015-04-28 11:03 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Literary critic here.
> In section "Specification"
> > It is strongly suggested that the reader understands how coroutines
> > are implemented in Python (PEP 342 and PEP 380). It is also
> > recommended to read PEP 3156 (asyncio framework) and PEP 3152
> > (Cofunctions).
> The usual phrasing of "strongly suggested" in specifications is
> "presumes knowledge". Some people think "strongly suggest <do>ing" is
> presumptuous and condescending, YMMV. Also, the relationship to PEP
> 3152 should be mentioned IMO. I propose:
> This specification presumes knowledge of the implementation of
> coroutines in Python (PEP 342 and PEP 380). Motivation for the
> syntax changes proposed here comes from the asyncio framework (PEP
> 3156) and the "Cofunctions" proposal (PEP 3152, now rejected in
> favor of this specification).
Your wording is 100% better and it's time to mention PEP 3152
> I'm not entirely happy with my phrasing, because there are at least
> four more or less different concepts that might claim the bare word
> "coroutine":
> - this specification
> - the implementation of this specification
> - the syntax used to define coroutines via PEPs 342 and 380
> - the semantics of PEP 342/380 coroutines
> In both your original and my rephrasing, the use of "coroutine"
> violates your convention that it refers to the PEP's proposed syntax
> for coroutines. Instead it refers to the semantics of coroutines
> implemented via PEP 342/380. This is probably the same concern that
> motivated Guido's suggestion to use "native coroutines" for the PEP
> 492 syntax (but I'm not Dutch, so maybe they're not the same :-).
> I feel this is a real hindrance to understanding for someone coming to
> the PEP for the first time. You know which meaning of coroutine you
> mean, but the new reader needs to think hard enough to disambiguate
> every time the word occurs. If people agree with me, I could go
> through the PEP and revise mentions of "coroutine" in "disambiguated"
> style.
I also like Guido's suggestion to use "native coroutine" term.
I'll update the PEP (I have several branches of it in the repo
that I need to merge before the rename).
> In section "Comprehensions":
> > For the sake of restricting the broadness of this PEP there is no
> > new syntax for asynchronous comprehensions. This should be
> > considered in a separate PEP, if there is a strong demand for this
> > feature.
> Don't invite trouble.<wink /> How about:
> Syntax for asynchronous comprehensions could be provided, but this
> construct is outside of the scope of this PEP.
> In section "Async lambdas"
> > Lambda coroutines are not part of this proposal. In this proposal they
> > would look like ``async lambda(parameters): expression``. Unless there
> > is a strong demand to have them as part of this proposal, it is
> > recommended to consider them later in a separate PEP.
> Same recommendation as for "Comprehensions". I wouldn't mention the
> tentative syntax, it is both obvious and inviting to trouble.
Agree. Do you think it'd be better to combine comprehensions
and async lambdas in one section?
> > Acknowledgments
> > ===============
> >
> > I thank Guido van Rossum, Victor Stinner, Elvis Pranskevichus, Andrew
> > Svetlov, and Ćukasz Langa for their initial feedback.
> A partial list of commentators I've found to be notable, YMMV:
Sure! I was going to add everybody after the PEP is
> Greg Ewing for PEP 3152 and his Loyal Opposition to this PEP.
> Mark Shannon's comments have led to substantial clarifications of
> motivation for syntax, at least in my mind.
> Paul Sokolovsky for information about the MicroPython implementation.
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