[Python-Dev] PEP-498: Literal String Formatting

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Mon Aug 10 07:29:50 CEST 2015

After I read Nick's proposal and pondering over the 'f' vs. 'r' 
examples, I like the 'i' prefix more (regardless of the internal 

The best solution would be "without prefix and '{var}' only" syntax. Not 
sure if that is possible at all; I cannot remember using '{...}' 
anywhere else than for formatting.

On 09.08.2015 19:22, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> On 8/8/2015 9:08 PM, Tim Delaney wrote:
>> On 8 August 2015 at 11:39, Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com
>> <mailto:eric at trueblade.com>> wrote:
>>      Following a long discussion on python-ideas, I've posted my draft of
>>      PEP-498. It describes the "f-string" approach that was the subject of
>>      the "Briefer string format" thread. I'm open to a better title than
>>      "Literal String Formatting".
>>      I need to add some text to the discussion section, but I think it's in
>>      reasonable shape. I have a fully working implementation that I'll get
>>      around to posting somewhere this weekend.
>>      >>> def how_awesome(): return 'very'
>>      ...
>>      >>> f'f-strings are {how_awesome()} awesome!'
>>      'f-strings are very awesome!'
>>      I'm open to any suggestions to improve the PEP. Thanks for your
>>      feedback.
>> I'd like to see an alternatives section, in particular listing
>> alternative prefixes and why they weren't chosen over f. Off the top of
>> my head, ones I've seen listed are:
>> !
>> $
> I'll add something, but there's no particular reason. "f" for formatted,
> along the lines of 'r' raw, 'b' bytes, and 'u' unicode.
> Especially when you want to combine them, I think a letter looks better:
> fr'{x} a formatted raw string'
> $r'{x} a formatted raw string'
> Eric.
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