[Python-Dev] Third milestone of FAT Python

Franklin? Lee leewangzhong+python at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 19:59:47 EST 2015

I realized yet another thing, which will reduce overhead: the original
array can store values directly, and you maintain the refs by
repeatedly updating them when moving refs around. RefCells will point
to a pointer to the value cell (which already exists in the table).

  - `getitem` will be almost the same as a normal dict: it has to
check if value is valid (which it already checked, but it will be
invalid a lot more often).

  - `setitem` the same as a normal dict (since the RefCells will just
point to the _address_ of the value pointer in the main table), except
that the dict will be bigger, and compaction/expansion has more
overhead. No creation of refcells here.

  - `delitem` will just null the value pointer, which shouldn't cost
much more, if it doesn't cost less.

  - Expansion and compaction will cost more, since we have to copy
over the RefCell pointers and also check whether they should be

  - Deletion of the dict will cost more, due to the additional logic
for deciding what to delete, and the RefCells can no longer point into
the entry table. They would have to point at the value (requiring
logic, or the replacement of a function pointer) or at a new allocated
object (requiring an allocation of sizeof(PyObject*) bytes).

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stinner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't read carefully your email, but I don't think that it's
> acceptable to make Python namespaces slower. In FAT mode, we need
> versionned dictionaries for module namespace, type namespace, global
> namespace, etc.

It was actually more "it might be a problem" than "it will be a
problem". I don't know if the overhead will be high enough to worry
about. It might be dominated by whatever savings there would be by not
having to look up names more than once. (Unless builtins get mixed
with globals? I think that's solvable, though. It's just that the
solutions I can think of have different tradeoffs.)

I am confident that the time overhead and the savings will beat the
versioning dict. The versioning dict method has to save a reference to
the variable value and a reference to the name, and regularly test
whether the dict has changed. This method only has to save a reference
to a reference to the value (though it might need the name to allow
debugging), doesn't care if it's changed, will be an identity (to
NULL?) test if it's deleted (and only if it's not replaced after), and
absolutely doesn't care if the dict had other updates (which might
increase the version number).

>>> Do you have an estimation of the cost of the "extra pointer"? Impact
>>> on memory and CPU. dict is really a very important type for the
>>> performance of Python. If you make dict slower, I'm sure that Python
>>> overall will be slower.
>> I'm proposing it as a subclass.
> Please read the "Versionned dictionary" section of my email:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2015-December/142397.html
> I explained why using a subclass doesn't work in practice.

I've read it again. By subclass, I mean that it implements the same
interface. But at the C level, I want to have it be a fork(?) of the
current dict implementation. As for `exec`, I think it might be okay
for it to be slower at the early stages of this game.

Here's the lookup function for a string-only dict (used both for
setting and getting):

I want to break that up into two parts:
- Figure out the index of the {hash, *key, *val} entry in the array.
- Do whatever to it. (In the original: make *value_addr point to the
value pointer.)

I want to do this so that I can use that index to point into ANOTHER
array, which will be the metadata for the refcells (whatever it ends
up being). This will mean that there's no second lookup. This has to
be done at the C level, because the dict object doesn't expose the
index of the {hash, *key, *val} entries on lookup.

If you don't want to make it a subclass, then we can propose a new
function `get_ref` (or something) for dict's C API (probably a hard
sell), which returns RefCell objects, and an additional pointer in
`dict` to the RefCells table (so a total of two pointers). When
`get_ref` is first called, it will
- calloc the RefCell table (which will be the same length as the entry table)
- replace all of the dict's functions with ones that know how to deal
with the RefCells,
- replace itself with a function that knows how to return these refs.
- call its replacement.

If the dict never gets RefCells, you only pay a few pointers in size,
and a few creation/deletion values. This is possible now that the
dictionary itself will store values as normal.

There might be more necessary. For example, the replaced functions
might need to keep pointers to their originals (so that you can slip
additional deep C subclasses in). And it might be nice if the
`get_index` function could be internally relied upon by the C-level
subclasses, because "keeping a metadata table index-synchronized with
the real one" is something I've wanted to do for two different dict
subclasses now.

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