[Python-Dev] pypi simple index

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Dec 17 12:36:31 EST 2015

On 18 December 2015 at 06:13, Carlos Barera <carlos.barera at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using install_requires in setup.py to specify a specific package my
> project is dependant on.
> When running python setup.py install, apparently the simple index is used
> as an older package is taken from pypi. While

What's happening here is that easy-install is triggering - which does not
support wheels. Use 'pip install .' instead.

> in https://pypi.python.org/pypi, there's a newer package.
> When installing directly using pip, the latest package is installed
> successfully.
> I noticed that the new package is only available as a wheel and older
> versions of setup tools won't install wheels for install_requires.
> However, upgrading setuptools didn't help.
> Several questions:
> 1. What's the difference between the pypi simple index and the general
> pypi index?

The '/simple' API is for machine consumption, /pypi is for humans, other
than that there should be not be any difference.

> 2. Why is setup.py defaulting to the simple index?

Because it is the only index :).

> 3. How can I make the setup.py triggered install use the main pypi index
> instead of simple

You can't - the issue is not the index being consulted, but your use of
'python setup.py install' which does not support  wheels.

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