[Python-Dev] Encoding of PyFrameObject members

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 09:15:43 CET 2015

Le 7 févr. 2015 22:34, "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> a écrit :
with --shared)
> You might be able to use Py_AddPendingCall to schedule
> what you want done outside the context of the signal
> handler.

I don't how it could work. You have to increment the reference counting,
but also maybe increment references to other frames. Again there is no
guarantee that python structures are consistent in a signal handler. While
a faulthandler is only called once, a profiler is called very frequently,
up to once per python instruction. Unlikely bugs become very likely.

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