[Python-Dev] PEP 370 - per-user scripts directory on Windows

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 12 22:55:42 CET 2015

> Actually, I've just remembered, it's already in PEP 441,
> which hasn't been approved but which goes further and
> includes a stdlib tool to create pyz files. I'm not sure
> if that changes things at all...

Actually, I developed the pyzzer tool (which Paul may remember - he made some helpful suggestions to improve it) which does a similar job to PEP 441's pyzaa and provides improved Windows support (some of which might be supplanted by py.exe support for .pyz/.pyzw, but I have cases where I can't rely on py.exe being present).


Vinay Sajip

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