[Python-Dev] PEP 471 (scandir): Poll to choose the implementation (full C or C+Python)

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 12:48:10 CET 2015

2015-02-13 11:52 GMT+01:00 Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>:
> You can try to make Python implementation faster if
> 1) Don't set attributes to None in constructor.

The class uses __slots__. Setting attributes in the class body is
forbidden when __slots__ is used.

> 3) Or pass DirEntry to _scandir:
> def scandir(path):
>     yield from _scandir(path, DirEntry)

I implemented that and there is no major change (1.3x faster => 1.5x,
it's still far from 3.5x faster seen with the C implementation).

I analyzed numbers (on my desktop PC, HDD, ext4):

- readdir:         380 ns
- os.stat:        1500 ns
- DirEntry(C):     100 ns
- DirEntry (Py):   530 ns (5.3x slower)
- is_dir(C):        75 ns
- is_dir (Py):     260 ns (3.5x slower)

listdir+stat benchmarks takes (readdir + stat) nanoseconds
scandir+is_dir takes (readdir + DirEntry + is_dir) nanoseconds
=> scandir+is_dir is faster than list+stat if (DirEntry+is_dir) is
faster than (stat).

Callig os.stat takes 1500 ns, while readdir() only provides
informations required by the benchmark. So if DirEntry +
DirEntry.is_dir is faster than 1500 ns, we won :-)

The Python implementation takes 790 ns, but the C implementation takes
only 175 ns! (4.5x faster)

I don't think that any Python performance trick can reduce the Python
overhead to make the C+Python implementation interesting compared to
os.listdir+os.stat. We are talking about nanoseconds, Python cannot
beat C at this resolution.


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