[Python-Dev] Request for Pronouncement: PEP 441 - Improving Python ZIP Application Support

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 22:43:07 CET 2015

On 24 February 2015 at 21:09, Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> Another way to support this is with subcommands.  Have the default [implicit] command be to create the zip app, and then
> add any subcommands we need:
>   python -m zipapp [create] foo   #creates a foo.pyz from the foo directory
>   python -m zipapp info foo.pyz   # prints out shebang for foo.pyz
>   python -m zipapp info --all foo.pyz  # prints out shebang and directory structure and files and ....
> This easily leaves the door open to add new commands in the future if any are still needed, and makes the current
> commands easy and simple to use.

I didn't know an implicit subcommand was allowed. That would work,
although it does mean that you can't build a pyz from a directory
"info" without explicitly using the create subcommand.

I think I'm going to go with "python -m zipapp foo.pyz --info" (And an
-o option for the target, mandatory when the source is a pyz file, and
--python for the interpreter). It's not set in stone yet, so if anyone
objects, there's still time to change my mind.


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