[Python-Dev] Working on issue 23496: should I use a macro test or an edit to configure.ac?

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Fri Feb 27 01:37:02 CET 2015

On 02/25/2015 10:17 AM, Ryan Gonzalez wrote:

> Which leads me to the question. See, of course, the patches should only be enabled if Python is being built targeting
> Android, but I'm not sure how that should be detected.
> I know that the Android target triple is arm-linux-androideabi. Should I test for the __ANDROID__ macro in the source
> file, or should I modify configure.ac <http://configure.ac> to detect Android and define its own macro? Also, if a
> configure.ac <http://configure.ac> edit is preferred, where should it be? It's slightly painful to scan through all 4000
> lines of Python's configure script. ;)

Anybody have any words of wisdom on this?


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