[Python-Dev] development

Brian Curtin brian at python.org
Wed Jan 28 15:52:09 CET 2015

On Wednesday, January 28, 2015, Alan Armour <aarmour at cipmail.org> wrote:

> can you guys develop an audio kit that works around jackd or on windows
> directx? and tutorials to write synthesizers.  and drum machines like a
> tr-606 with triggers ( I want to trigger a drum synth like the March
> UDS(Soviet).... Coolest drum synth EVER.
> Also, I think you should have a way to write assembler functions to really
> optimize speed and have a table and stuff for assembler learning for all
> cpus and stuff. even asm graphics and audio would be super useful in some
> instances.

That's not how this works.

If you would like to write all of that code and allow it to mature in the
wild while building a following around it and ensuring it is the best of
its kind and a general enough solution to be included in the Python
standard library, inclusion of that could be discussed in the future.
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