[Python-Dev] Summary of Python tracker Issues
Python tracker
status at bugs.python.org
Fri Jul 10 18:08:27 CEST 2015
ACTIVITY SUMMARY (2015-07-03 - 2015-07-10)
Python tracker at http://bugs.python.org/
To view or respond to any of the issues listed below, click on the issue.
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Issues counts and deltas:
open 4928 ( +6)
closed 31439 (+40)
total 36367 (+46)
Open issues with patches: 2257
Issues opened (24)
#24563: Encoding declaration: doc supported encodings
http://bugs.python.org/issue24563 opened by terry.reedy
#24564: shutil.copytree fails when copying NFS to NFS
http://bugs.python.org/issue24564 opened by jhamrick
#24565: the f_lineno getter is broken
http://bugs.python.org/issue24565 opened by xdegaye
#24567: random.choice IndexError due to double-rounding
http://bugs.python.org/issue24567 opened by steven.daprano
#24570: IDLE Autocomplete and Call Tips Do Not Pop Up on OS X with Act
http://bugs.python.org/issue24570 opened by Alessandro Rosa
#24572: IDLE Text Output With ASCII Control Codes Not Working
http://bugs.python.org/issue24572 opened by Kevin Phillips (kmecpp)
#24575: timemodule build fail - missing definitions for _Py_BEGIN_SUPP
http://bugs.python.org/issue24575 opened by tnmurphy
#24577: Document asyncio behavior (logging and call to connection_lost
http://bugs.python.org/issue24577 opened by r.david.murray
#24580: Wrong or missing exception when compiling regexes with recursi
http://bugs.python.org/issue24580 opened by dhaffey
#24583: set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging
http://bugs.python.org/issue24583 opened by serhiy.storchaka
#24585: Windows installer does not detect existing installs
http://bugs.python.org/issue24585 opened by steve.dower
#24587: Incorrect tkinter behavior of slave widgets of Button
http://bugs.python.org/issue24587 opened by Eugene K.
#24591: offer option to suppress "clean --all" output relating to none
http://bugs.python.org/issue24591 opened by alanf
#24594: msilib.OpenDatabase Type Confusion
http://bugs.python.org/issue24594 opened by JohnLeitch
#24595: InteractiveInterpreter always prints to stdout
http://bugs.python.org/issue24595 opened by graphite
#24596: Script globals in a GC cycle not finalized when exiting with S
http://bugs.python.org/issue24596 opened by encukou
#24597: forbid redefinition of specializations in singledispatch
http://bugs.python.org/issue24597 opened by pitrou
#24598: asyncio: add background task detecting reference cycles
http://bugs.python.org/issue24598 opened by haypo
#24599: urllib URLopener().open https url returns 501 Not Implemented
http://bugs.python.org/issue24599 opened by stefano-m
#24601: bytes and unicode splitlines() methods differ on what is a lin
http://bugs.python.org/issue24601 opened by gregory.p.smith
#24602: SRE_SEARCH Integer Underflow
http://bugs.python.org/issue24602 opened by JohnLeitch
#24603: Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2d in Windows and OS X installer
http://bugs.python.org/issue24603 opened by Friedrich.Spee.von.Langenfeld
#24605: segmentation fault at asciilib_split_char.lto_priv
http://bugs.python.org/issue24605 opened by josch
#24606: segfault caused by nested calls to map()
http://bugs.python.org/issue24606 opened by David Lukeš
Most recent 15 issues with no replies (15)
#24606: segfault caused by nested calls to map()
#24591: offer option to suppress "clean --all" output relating to none
#24587: Incorrect tkinter behavior of slave widgets of Button
#24577: Document asyncio behavior (logging and call to connection_lost
#24557: Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
#24550: maxint on 64 bit platforms breaks os.read
#24542: ssl - SSL_OP_NO_TICKET not reimplemented
#24527: The MimeTypes class cannot ignore global files per instance
#24520: Stop using deprecated floating-point environment functions on
#24512: multiprocessing should log a warning when forking multithreade
#24499: Python Installer text piles up during installation process
#24498: Should ptags and eptags be removed from repo?
#24477: In argparse subparser's option goes to parent parser
#24466: extend_path explanation in documentation is ambiguous
#24424: xml.dom.minidom: performance issue with Node.insertBefore()
Most recent 15 issues waiting for review (15)
#24602: SRE_SEARCH Integer Underflow
#24594: msilib.OpenDatabase Type Confusion
#24583: set.update(): Crash when source set is changed during merging
#24580: Wrong or missing exception when compiling regexes with recursi
#24565: the f_lineno getter is broken
#24563: Encoding declaration: doc supported encodings
#24557: Refactor LibreSSL / EGD detection
#24536: os.pipe() should return a structsequence (or namedtuple.)
#24533: Increased Test Coverage for Lib/random.py
#24531: please document that no code preceding encoding declaration is
#24520: Stop using deprecated floating-point environment functions on
#24518: json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``
#24508: Backport 3.5's Windows build project files to 2.7
#24506: make fails with gcc 4.9 due to fatal warning of unused variabl
#24485: Function source inspection fails on closures
Top 10 most discussed issues (10)
#24567: random.choice IndexError due to double-rounding
http://bugs.python.org/issue24567 20 msgs
#24546: sequence index bug in random.choice
http://bugs.python.org/issue24546 12 msgs
#24553: improve test coverage for subinterpreters
http://bugs.python.org/issue24553 9 msgs
#23441: rlcompleter: tab on empty prefix => insert spaces
http://bugs.python.org/issue23441 8 msgs
#24597: forbid redefinition of specializations in singledispatch
http://bugs.python.org/issue24597 8 msgs
#16487: Allow ssl certificates to be specified from memory rather than
http://bugs.python.org/issue16487 7 msgs
#24598: asyncio: add background task detecting reference cycles
http://bugs.python.org/issue24598 7 msgs
#24599: urllib URLopener().open https url returns 501 Not Implemented
http://bugs.python.org/issue24599 7 msgs
#24136: document PEP 448: unpacking generalization
http://bugs.python.org/issue24136 6 msgs
#23601: use small object allocator for dict key storage
http://bugs.python.org/issue23601 5 msgs
Issues closed (35)
#11582: Boilerplate code replaced in Python/ceval.c
http://bugs.python.org/issue11582 closed by akuchling
#18684: Pointers point out of array bound in _sre.c
http://bugs.python.org/issue18684 closed by serhiy.storchaka
#20154: Deadlock in asyncio.StreamReader.readexactly() (fix applied, n
http://bugs.python.org/issue20154 closed by haypo
#21148: avoid needless pointers initialization in small tuple creation
http://bugs.python.org/issue21148 closed by jtaylor
#24181: test_fileio crash, 3.5, Win 7
http://bugs.python.org/issue24181 closed by steve.dower
#24259: tar.extractall() does not recognize unexpected EOF
http://bugs.python.org/issue24259 closed by lars.gustaebel
#24330: Idle doc: explain "Configure Idle" not in "Options" on OSX, et
http://bugs.python.org/issue24330 closed by ned.deily
#24407: Use after free in PyDict_merge
http://bugs.python.org/issue24407 closed by python-dev
#24432: Upgrade windows builds to use OpenSSL 1.0.2c
http://bugs.python.org/issue24432 closed by steve.dower
#24524: python crash using Tkinter
http://bugs.python.org/issue24524 closed by terry.reedy
#24525: [doc] missing word
http://bugs.python.org/issue24525 closed by terry.reedy
#24540: Docstring for json.dumps skipkeys parameter is incorrect
http://bugs.python.org/issue24540 closed by ned.deily
#24548: Broken link in the unittest documentation
http://bugs.python.org/issue24548 closed by r.david.murray
#24561: [VS2013] Py_InitializeEx causes fatal error being called from
http://bugs.python.org/issue24561 closed by steve.dower
#24562: ntpath splitdrive fails on line 161: tuple has no attribute 'r
http://bugs.python.org/issue24562 closed by r.david.murray
#24566: Unsigned Integer Overflow in sre_lib.h
http://bugs.python.org/issue24566 closed by serhiy.storchaka
#24568: Misc/NEWS: "free-after-use" -> "use-after-free"
http://bugs.python.org/issue24568 closed by python-dev
#24569: Inconsistent PEP 0448 implementation
http://bugs.python.org/issue24569 closed by python-dev
#24571: [RFE] Add asyncio.background_call API
http://bugs.python.org/issue24571 closed by gvanrossum
#24573: Using multiprocessing with tkinter frames in Python 3.4.3 cras
http://bugs.python.org/issue24573 closed by ned.deily
#24574: ANSI escape sequences breaking string justification
http://bugs.python.org/issue24574 closed by eric.smith
#24576: python27 unicode align comments
http://bugs.python.org/issue24576 closed by ned.deily
#24578: [RFE] Add asyncio.wait_for_result API
http://bugs.python.org/issue24578 closed by ncoghlan
#24579: Additional tests for urllib module
http://bugs.python.org/issue24579 closed by craign
#24581: Crash when a set is changed during iteration
http://bugs.python.org/issue24581 closed by rhettinger
#24582: Minor branch optimization in set implementation
http://bugs.python.org/issue24582 closed by rhettinger
#24584: Windows installer incorrectly detects CRT version on Windows 1
http://bugs.python.org/issue24584 closed by steve.dower
#24586: Operator precedence for 1<-1==0
http://bugs.python.org/issue24586 closed by r.david.murray
#24588: Unable to pass argument to python script from Java program
http://bugs.python.org/issue24588 closed by r.david.murray
#24589: Wrong behavior for list of lists
http://bugs.python.org/issue24589 closed by vadmium
#24590: Customized attribute access causes infinite loop
http://bugs.python.org/issue24590 closed by zorceta
#24592: global var defined in module not returned by function
http://bugs.python.org/issue24592 closed by steve.dower
#24593: [3.5.0b3] stdlib on Windows mismatches compiled version
http://bugs.python.org/issue24593 closed by r.david.murray
#24600: function(**dict) does not accept comma after dict (inside pare
http://bugs.python.org/issue24600 closed by r.david.murray
#24604: problem to install scipy manually on Centos 6
http://bugs.python.org/issue24604 closed by haypo
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